Chapter 6: Jealousy

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.:Third person view:.
-6:45 Am-

Morning rolled around pretty soon, and the sky was still deep in blue and the sun barely peering through.
As it's winter, nights usually are longer than day, which made the sun rise a bit later than usual.

Cody was still sleeping as well as Sara, elliot and Via, when Chase came and opened the door unannounced startling Cody out of his slumber.

"What the hell Chase.. couldn't you knock?" He said farrowing his eyebrows annoyed.
"I can't find my volleyball Jersey have you seen it?" He was looking around frantically, "I'm gonna be late for morning practice".
"Jeez, it's in the dryer room just go look in there and let me sleep.." He layed back in bed.
"It's 6:49Am right now, you're gonna be late anyway." He said calming down and then exiting the room.

Cody groaned, and got up and walked to the little house sitting on the table across from his bed.
He tapped on Sara's window so she can get up and get the others up with her.

"Come on, we're gonna be late" he said.
"I'm up.. I'm up" She said groggily rubbing her eyes.

When he made sure she woke up, he went to the bathroom to get ready and leave them to get ready for school.

Sara went down the hall to via's room to wake her up only to find her already packing her bag and already wearing her cloths.
"Well that's less work for me to do, just come down when I call" She said getting out.
"Can you prepare my school lunch please?" The little girl's voice yelled.
"Sure sure if I have time."

Sara went to Elliott's room to find him sleeping in a mess of a clothing on the floor.
"Wake up, Ell, we're gonna be late" She said, " He hummed in reply, then she just left; he was gonna get up anyway.

After a couple of minutes;
Sara was all ready having picked out a baby blue top with a white jacket and grey cargo pants and her hair braided in a French braid.

Elliot was in the kitchen with Via, eating Cereal and him half asleep dozing off almost falling in his bowl.

"Come on, we're gonna be late" Sara said grabbing her backpack and phone and grabbed Via's backpack.
"Alright I'm allllll finished" Via said putting her bowl in the sink.
"I'll just finish this later.. " Elliot said getting up and leaving his unfinished breakfast on the table.

They all stepped out onto the porch to find Cody ready sitting on his bed texting someone.
"Ehm, we're ready" Via said in impatient tone.
"Oh, Hey, yea let's go" He got up and brought his hand closer to the edge of the table and they climbed on it to go.
He curled his fingers around this so hey wouldn't fall and brought them closer to his upper body to prevent his fast movements from hurting them.

He ran down the stairs and grabbed his car keys and out the door he went.
He opened the car door and sat and started the engine.

"We're gonna go pick up someone before heading off to school, Alright?"
Cody said while placing Via and elliot on a litte cushion under the Car's pocket infront of him while he placed Sara on his lap leaning her on his abdomen so she's more comfortable.
"Alright, but let's hurry up because we're already late" Sara said opening her phone and checking the new device she got and started to a play a game on it.


A couple of minutes later, they arrived at a decently big house and a girl was standing was standing infront of it.

When she saw the car she walked towards it and opened the front door seat and sat with a big smile on her face.

"Lomiiii, I missed you so much the whole week you were gone!" The girl squealed and kissed Cody on the cheek and giggled.
His cheeks reddened, and he got a bit shy.

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