Chapter 16: tears

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Sara's pov:
(3:45 pm)

"You still not gonna tell me Who're you meeting?" Cody asked while driving.
"It's a friend.. they don't really like using their real name" I said unsure, the reason why I don't want to tell Cody, because lana told me that Yuri and Cody ABSOLUTELY hate eachtother for some reason.

So if I told him who I'm meeting with, he might not let me go, but I'm going for coffee and nothing else, I'm already dating Cody, so I'm not going with Yuri just to flirt with him.
Like yea he's attractive I guess, but Cody can fill me with everything I ever wished for.. a shelter, a home, a family, love, and noodles.

"Alright.. by the way, I have hockey practice today, and I'm not gonna finish until 7pm, so if you would like to wait for me to pick you up it's fine, or if you want to go home early, just call an uber or call me and I'll send someone to pick you up" He explained, and when did he play hockey? I mean I seen a lot of sporting gadgets and tools, one of them were hockey sticks and uniforms.
"It's fine, I'll probably go home with an uber, and I don't think you'll hear your phone anyways" I said, I mean he doesnt answer when I do call him-

Cody told me that us tinies have a special area in the city that's made for us only, so it has schools, houses, neighbourhoods, malls, everything that would exist in the big city.

So he said he'd drop me off at the gate and my so called friend can pick me up.

You'd wonder how us tinies that do live in the big city get around when there's big cars everywhere.
Well, there are special roads constructed for the tiny people that can't live in the small city which is great.

But as much as human trafficking isn't legal in the giants city, it's perfectly legal to sell tinies in shops.. which is sad and doesn't make any sense, but Cody explained that there are humans that have the money to buy their own rights, or get a giant to buy them their freedom, which is messed up.

"Ok.. there we are, do you need anything?" He said as he extended his finger and tried holding my hand.
"Nope, it's fine, thank you" I grabbed his finger and lightly pecked it.
He smiled and got out the Car to help me out.

He opened the door and stretched his hand towards me and I got on and he closed the door and set me down near the gate.
"Have fun!" He said as he turned around and went into the drivers seat and drove off.

I went the gate and saw a city thats perfect for my size.. houses seemed miniature and perfect in size, parks out stretched with kids playing and families having picnics, that's just a small portion of what I saw.

Just then I heard a car beep and it stopped right infront of me.

The windows rolled down and yuri was in there, a car that my kind can ride without falling between the crevasses of the seat.

"Come on I'm taking you to a party" He said and I was shocked, a party? "You said we were going out for Coffee?" I responded moving closer to the car.
"Tomato tamato, just get in, you've probably never went to one, just get in" He said unlocking the door from where he sat.

I got in feeling awkward and sat in the passenger seat next him.
He started rhe car and started driving and put on some music.

"You didn't tell me we were going to a party?" I frowned, "well, you seemed like a really cool girl and I wanted to treat you to the first party you've probably beet to", "bold of you to assume I've never been to party" I replied, well.. technically, he's right, I've never been to party, the only parties I've ever been to is the mini parties that Cody throws with his friends.
"Well, I'm sorry if I offended you, but I just thought we'd have a bit of fun" He said, "if you don't wanna go, that fine" He looked at me with a sad expression and looked back at the road ahead of us.

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