Chapter 13: hatred

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OK so.. most up coming chapters are gonna be from Cody's pov.. don't ask why-
But yea just saying 👍
.:Cody's pov:.

Evening rolled around, and aunt was watching a movie with her husband on the couch, while her kids were in their own worlds.

Layla was in her own World mostly texting and on her phone and not spending a minute with any of us and she just stayed in the room.
And Zach,Elliot, Via, Austin and Chase were all playing with the Ps5 I got for Chase for his birthday a couple of months ago.

I just sat in my Room, I felt miserable, since Ava was usually keeping me company over the phone or just in my bed.
Sara was tired since she just got out of the hospital the same day and was basically terrified of my relatives.. she decided she wanted the day for herself.

I sat curled up on my bed in the dark room scrolling through insta stories and reels.

Call me a a sore loser, but being cheated on with someone you were so inlove with that you were blind to them and would jump off of a cliff for them is something else.
It's unhealthy to be this loving towards someone.
Some may call it Love, some may call it obsession.

But currently in my state, I haven't eaten anything since the Pancakes and drank 2 Big wine glasses, I felt light headed and tingley.. I get drunk easily by simply anything that contains alcohol, so it wasn't a surprise that 2 wine glasses could make me feel so out of this world.
I maybe.. love wine a little too much, to me it's better than any alcoholic drink that ever exists.

But drinking makes me feel so numb to any feelings that try to get to me, the absence of my mind isn't here to care about those unwanted unpleasant feelings.

My eyes were Puffy and red, and my cheeks were stained with tears and my pillow held the tears in it below my head.

My door room suddenly opened, but I didn't turn around to look at who came in.

"Cody?.. Honeymoon what's wrong?, you've sat in your room all day, is something wrong?" My aunt called me the name my mom always used to call me before she passed, and I didn't like when someone used it instead of her.
"Please, aunty.. you know I don't like that nickname.." I groaned.
"I'm sorry.. but what's wrong, after the evening rolled around you cocooned into your room and you didn't even come down for lunch" sincerity was glass clear in her voice.
"Nothings wrong ,just leave me alone..".
"My my Cody.. you drank out of this?, this is too much for you in one day..?" She held up the glass from my nightstand and looked at me.
"Just leave everything be, I want some space.." my words slurred in my mouth almost unidentifiable.
"Alright.. but please make sure to eat something before you fall asleep.. I worry about you" she said turning to leave and closed the door.

I sighed and got up and picked up the glass again and poured the left over from the wine bottle into the glass.
It filled half of the glass globe, but it didn't matter, I gulped it down rapidly and set the glass on the nightstand again.

My head was now spinning and I felt my self getting dizzy and sleepy, so I just called it a day and slept with nothing but Pancakes and alcohol today, if I slack off my diet plan and routine.. my manager will have to get me a new diet plan if he sees this one isn't working out, and a big fashion show was coming up next month, I needed to be between 168-173Kg, and drinking and eating this much isn't fitting.

I'll figure it out tomorrow, but right now I'm tired and I can't think straight.

.:3:20 Am:.

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