Chapter 5: home sweet home

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.:Third person POV:.

It's been a couple of days since the tinies lived in the huge house with Cody and his brother.

"Sir, A package has been delivered from awazon" a maid said knocking on his door then entering.
"Oh right, yea just leave it here on the floor I'll open it in a bit" He said ruffling his hair in frustration.
She left it on the bed anyway and walked out leaving him in his own mess.

Sara was teaching Via how to read while elliot was doing his own thing on his phone.
Cody was busy with a school assignment that was due to next day and he was stressed over it and over work.

"What's in that box?" Sara asked tilting her head.
"Just.. something, you don't need to worry about it" He said typing away on his laptop, very focused as to not mess up anything.
"By the way, I decided to sign you up, elliot and Via in my school", as soon Sara heard these words her jaw dropped in utter shock as what he did without asking first.
"What?! Why?!, aren't we a little too small for everything anyways?!" She said raising her voice a little,
"Now watch your tone, and no you won't be in my section, you'll be in the human section which is like a small school inside of my actual school for tinies like you to attend" He said turning his attention to her.

"No way, I'm afraid of getting crushed or snatched, it's enough dealing with a couple of giants here, now also there?"
She said feeling very annoyed at his reckless actions and not taking her opinion.
"Well, you can't sit around all day and do nothing you'll get bored eventually so why not" He said very calmly with a low voice which annoyed her even more but she kept her words to herself as to not anger him in any way.
"Elliot, aren't you going to say anything?" She looked at elliot who was still on his phone putting every bit of his focus on it, "well.. I mean it's a new experience, might as well make new friends", Sara felt surprised at how elliot was all cool with it when he was a scardey cat in the beggining.
"He's right Sara, I also want to make new friends and not stay here, I can barely read and It would be useful to learn new things" Via said.

"Seems like everyone agrees except you, you'll get used to it I promise, also I'm the one who's gonna be technically protecting you from anything so you don't have to worry at all" Cody said adjusting himself in his chair, leaning back and continuing to type on his computer.
Sara groaned and continued teaching her sister while her blood was boiling within.


Couple of hours later:

It was dinner time at last, and Cody was still in his room alone, while Sara, via and elliot were with chase downstairs eating and watching Jetflix.

He got up from his chair and went to the box that he hasn't opened and decided to see what the contents of it are.

"Alright I guess this is the doll house" He said opening the box with a box cutter and taking out a big heavy box with with the house already built in.
"Seems like I don't have to do anything then except furnish it..", "Hey Linda can you come up here for a minute" He shouted to her from downstairs.

"Yes, sir?" She said entering the room and standing in the door way.
"Can you get one of those wooden tables like... like this one?" He pointed to the wooden table next to his couch.
"Sure thing, I'll be right back" She exited and the room and went to grab a table from the storage room.

He stood up and went up to his couch and sat down and scrolled through his phone surfing social media while waiting. "Hmm.. I wonder if there is still more" He reached into the bag on the table and started feeling if anyone's in there, he snatched someone from the bag and they were already in tears and sniffling.

"Hello there" He said having a mischievous grin appear on his face.
The tiny girl looked up at him with glossy eyes and red cheeks from all her crying.
"Let me make a deal with you ok?" He said sitting her in the palm of his hand and looking down at her, "we'll play a game called hide n seek, I'll count to 100 and you can hide anywhere in this room, and if I don't find you in 15 minutes I'll let you free, and if I do you know where you end up" He said his voice lacing Venom.

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