Chapter 14: A lot to process

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.:Sara's pov:.

When he washed me off after I explained what his aunt did, he looked Furious, and not gonna lie.. a bit scary, Cody is usually a nice guy who doesn't get angry much, only when stressed.. but this was a higher level of anger which did scare me.

He looked down at me with his grey eyes with a glimpse of sympathy towards, which made me feel a bit weak, which is yes, compared to his kind.. but for my kind, I have a strong personality and I don't like anyone to put me down.

But his look towards me seemed different.. I can't really explain it but you get the memo.

He then dried me off in a small hand towel.. for me it was like a shower robe... heh.. and placed me in his shirt pocket and patted the pocket and removed his hand after, I love it when he does that.. ehm.

I then felt him walking, and as always I couldn't see what's happening or Where's he going because the pocket was so tall, but I think we were walking in the living room.

"Hey, is everything okay Cods?" Chase turned to him, I could imagine what's happening out there.
"I suppose.. uhm, I think I'm tired, I want to go to sleep, but before that.. Where's aunt?" He said and I felt his Deep yet gentle voice vibrate through his body.
"Already? The movie just started.." Austin said sounding upset, "yea.. I think I got food poisoning from earlier" Couldn't he have chosen a better lie for this?.
"Alright then.. Mom's in the backyard with Dad, I don't know what they're blabbering about" Austin said.
"Alright, thank you" and then Cody started walking again.

He started walking up the stairs, I suppose going to his bedroom for some reason, and I heard the door clicked open and he entered.

Once I felt there was light surrounding us and then his fingers slithered into the pocket and curl themselves around me and got me out of the pocket into his fleshy palm.

"I'll deal with something downstairs, you just stay here, because if things get physical I don't want you to get hurt.. alright?" He spoke sincerely with the look I never understood.
"I.. alright, but can I have the cheetos bag from downstairs.. I didn't get to finish even one" yep, that's all that mattered to me.. my precious cheetos..

He gave me a sigh in disbelief, "Alright fine, I'll get them for you, anything else your highness" He teased.
"Yes, and I want you to play me a movie on your phone" I just knew what movies are a couple of weeks ago, and they're the best invention I ever discovered.
"What movie do you want?" He asked, "I don't know, I don't know any good movies since I just knew what they were" i stated, "Then I guess you're gonna watch Mulan", mulan.. hmm, "What's it about?" Now I was wasting time, but I wanted to know the plot.
"It talks about a Chinese girl who wants to fight the Mongolia empire, but girls weren't allowed to fight in the war and her sick father was going but she decided to trick the lead soldiers and snuck out and pretend to be a guy" He explained.. that's an interesting movie, "Alright, turn it on" I demanded with such confidence.. someone needed to humble me-

He set me down on his bed leaning against the pillow and got his phone out his pocket and I think he was getting the movie.
After a couple of seconds he set the phone on the ruffles of the blanket and pressed play and I snuggled into the soft white duvet while the movie started.

"I'll be right back" he said exiting the room, this was nice.
The movie was starting out good, but that leader man person is creepy.. does he have his eye whites tattooed?-

A couple of minutes later, Cody came with the bag of cheetos in his hand, he placed it next to me and shook the bag so it's contents would be closer to the opening.

"Thank you!" I said, but he just nodded and left quickly.

A couple of minutes into the movie, load voices were heard from down stairs, yelling, banging.. ect.
But oh no, Via and Elliott are still downstairs.

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