Chapter 4: a perfect house

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.:Cody's pov:.

A couple of hours later, I was finally done with work and what pressure it had on me, and I was heading home with Sara sleeping soundly in my pocket.
'She sleeps alot' I think.

I looked at the time in my car watch and it was 8Pm, I finished my photo shoots and meetings finally, when I decided to stop at McDonald's and decided to get myself something to eat since I haven't eaten today at all.

"Hey.. yea can I just get a large fries with a 10pcs nuggets?".
"Will that be all for today sir?" The waiter on the other side asked.
"Yes, thank you", "Alright come up to the drive thru and we'll have you're order ready".

I drove to the drive thru and claimed my food and paid, and parked the car in the parking lot and started eating.
It was a lonely time to be honest, my friends at high school are totally fake and just use me for fame and money.. gosh I fucking hated them for it.

Then I heard a timid tired groan coming from my pocket and saw Sara peeking her head out of the pocket rubbing her eyes.
"What time is it...?" She said tiredly, "What's that amazing smell?" She started looking around to try and find the source of the scent she was smelling.
I smiled at her reaction when smelling food.
"Want some?" I said pulling out a nugget that's almost as big as her.
"It's too big and greasy" She pouted.
"Well too bad, take or leave it" I inched the nugget away from her.
"No, no, fine I'll have it, I just don't wanna dirty My hands." She said bowing her head a bit.
"Want me to feed you then?" I looked down at her this time.

She nodded and I inched it closer to her so she can take bites out of it.
She probably won't even finish it and I'll have too.

After a couple of minutes, I finished my food and she was still eating her nugget and didn't reached half of it when she said she was full.
I tossed the nugget in my mouth finishing it in one bite and wiped my hands with the napkins they gave me.

.:third person pov:.

"You eat a lot you know that?" She said teasing him.
"A man's gotta eat ya know, besides you're just too small to finish one nugget in a single sitting" He Chuckled lowly.
She pouted once more feeling offended he used her size against her.

They started driving and in no time they arrived at the mansion that was lit up with Christmas lights on it making it a jolly for the Christmas spirit.

Cody walked in his house to see the maids and butlers helping eachother hanging the interior decorations and decorate the massive white Christmas tree.

"You guys, it's still November, you're decorating from now?" He walked over to the group of maids standing on ladders to hang the decorations on the wall.

The head maid giggled and said, "well, it's never too early for Christmas ya know sir", "besides these were orders from chase, and he helped a little then went up to his room again".
"Ofcourse it's chase, you know his orders are stupid" Cody rolled his eyes playfully.
"Well, we wanted to decorate anyways so we did"
"Well, it's beautiful either way, glad that you're all hard working and loyal" He smiled.

She smiled back at him, then went to grab more things so she can continue her work.
And Cody went to the stairs and headed straight to chase's room.

He opened the door incase the tinies were sleeping so he doesn't startle them, but he walked in on them all playing snakes and ladders and chase very focused.

"I'm back" Cody said and walked in the bedroom.
"Who's winning?" He looked over and saw chase very focus and stressed.
By then elliot rolled his dice and moved his character until he won.

"YESS, HA YOU LOST" Elliot said doing a happy dance while Via was screaming at him accusing him of cheating.
"W-what- How" Chase looked surprised.

"Seems like someone hasn't studied today, I would have let it slide if you were to win, so now get back to studying chase" Cody said nudging his brother's shoulder playfully.
"It's not my fault he's better at me at the game, the game is rigged" He crossed his arms and pouted.
"You're luck is just flushed down the toilet" Elliot said sitting down on the game board.

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