Chapter 11: Insane on the loose

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.:Cody's Pov:.

Arriving into the driveway of my house, the atmosphere felt empty.
Upon entering the house, no noise could be heard, all the lights were turned off and everything was quiet.

Jude was pushing my chair into the living room with chase and Jace entering behind him, kris said he had to go home because of his sick sister needed him.

"Where are the maids and butlers?" I asked looking around, it was out the ordinary for them to go home this early?, "well, I said since we were under the pressure of you in the hospital, I asked them to go home and have the day off, and they said they'll be returning as soon as you will" Chase replied sitting on the couch infront of me.
"Alright.. well can someone help me to my room now?" I asked looking at them.

Jace and jude stood by me so I can stand up and started helping me up the stairs, and Hell it felt like my legs were burning, but I kept going with the help of my Friends.

They opened the door and turned on the lights, the room was tidied and cleaned, it smelled like roses and everything was put away, I haven't seen the room this clean since.. uh.. I don't remember to be honest-

"I'm gonna change now, I'm tired" I limped to the bed and sat on it.
"Alright, also if you want us to stay here with you to take care of you till your maids come, we don't mind" Jace spoke his voice was quiet and concerned.
"Yea.. that'd be nice, you can go sleep in the guestroom I'll ask chase to give you spare cloths from the closet" I laid my back on the bed feeling the softness of the blanket and mattress.
"Alright, good night then" they closed the door and left.

Just then Chase too came into the room.

"What is it?" I asked Lifting my head a bit to look at him.
"I'm gonna have Via sleep in my room tonight, she's a bit shaken and she said she wanted to sleep in my room" Chase said un-curling his hand from around the sleeping Child in his palm.
"That's fine.. I wanted to have sometime for myself anyways".

Chase nodded and left the room closing the door.

I sat up once again my muscles and bones aching and feeling sore from the events of the past 19 hours.

I limped across my room to my desk and opened my computer.

I looked up amazon on the browser and then started looking for a new phone.

Goole phone... no.... maybe..
I looked up IPone and started scrolling through the phones, looking at each one, they all looked similar to be honest, only slight changes in the cameras and software.
Just then one of Samsings phones popped up and I scrolled through them until I chose the Samsings M22 Ultra.
I pressed buy now and the phone would arrive in approximately 47 hours.
(Don't mind me making Off brand phones lol-)

I opened my tablet and started looking through social media and seeing the messages on Whatsupp from my Co-workers and colleagues saying "get well soon!" And "sorry for what happened", it was nice of them to send in those messages.

I held my tablet and walked carefully to my bed again and layed down in a sitting position and looked for the hospital i was in phone number to ask about Sara.

I found the phone number and called.

"Hello, this is Wenslets Hospital, what's the emergency?" A female voice spoke.
"Hello, there's no emergency or anything, just wanted to check in on someone there in the Human section?" I spoke back.
"Alright sir, but I'll have to transfer your phone call to the front desk at that section not the emergency line" She spoke while typing in the background.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to call on the emergency line, but that's all I had".
"That's fine, it happens, now please a minute your call will be transferred to the other front desk" She spoke formally and then waiting music started playing.

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