Chapter 3: work trip

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In the morning, Sara woke up to see herself sleeping in her glass container with elliot and Via eating some toast with cream cheese.
She was surprised that Cody gave that to them.

"Morning sunshine!" Elliot said sending a small smile towards her.
"Morning..?" She said a bit confused.
"Why do you look like you've seen a ghost?" Elliot asked his face now in a frown.
"N..nothing" She said.

The bedroom door swung open with Cody entering his bedroom all dressed up in a white shirt with black suit pants and a harness defining his torso.

"Did you finish your food little ones?" Cody said searching around his room for something, then looked at them.
The once terrified little via looked at him and nodded with a smile on her face.

"Ok...Great" He said and walked to them
"Also, there you go" He lowered his hand into their container and opened it to reveal small cloths for each of them and little phones and small toys.

Sara's eyes were wide in shock while Via stood up and ran to his humongous hand and tried reaching the stuff but felt too short to reach it which led a giggle escape Cody's mouth.
Elliot then stood up and walked hesitantly and stood infront of the hand, "maybe you lower your hand a bit please?.." Elliot said keeping his tone respectfull out of fear.

He lowered his hand to allow them to grab their stuff.
Elliot climbed slowly and started getting all their stuff and climbed down not to drop the expensive stuff and put them down on the cloth they sleep on.
All that was happening infront of a wide eye Sara confused on why he was doing this when he was cruel to others.

"Thank you... sir" elliot said his head lowered shyly and scaredly.
Cody smiled and rubbed elliot's head with his pinki finger, "No problem little one", "also call me Cody, no need to be all formal" He said.

Suddenly someone burst through the door and it was a 14 year old looking boy, "Hey Cody, school has been cance-" the boy said looking at his brother, then he walked to him and looked at the 3 tinies in the glass box.
Elliot looked most scared since he was already dealing with one giant, now two?
"Who are these little guys?" The boy asked crouching down to take a better look at them.
Via ran and hugged elliot out of shyness, while he was doing his best not to panic.

"Whatever Chase, just make sure you study since it got cancelled" Cody said standing up from his crouching position. "Also I want you to take care of someone today" He said.
"Who is it?" Chase said standing up too.
Chase was much shorter than Cody and had a smaller build to him.
"I want you to take care of these 2 today, you're mature enough and could probably get used to some responsibility" Cody pointed to via and elliot.

"No, no way, I'm not going with him!" Elliot raised his voice out of anger and fear on how he could just give them anyone he wanted.
"Come on Try and befriend them and be nice, don't be trouble" Cody ignored Elliott.

Chase then reached his hand slowly in to try and make them climb on his hand by their will.
"Come on, I won't hurt you" Chase said reassuringly with a small smile spreading on his red cheeks.

Via let go of Elliott first and walked slowly towards the young boy's hand.
Elliot's eyes switched from him to via and felt scared, could his situation be any worse.

When she reached it she placed her hand on his finger, Chase looked nervous and insecure about his size, he felt he might hurt them by accident and he didn't want that.
She then climbed up his hand and sat in his palm, chase waited until Elliott came aswell.

'I can't leave her alone with this guy, he might hurt her' Elliott thought, so he walked to the big hand and climb on it aswell and sat next to her.
Chase then retrieved his hand so it was at eye level.
He looked at them with awe and glee.
"I'll take good care of you" He smiled sweetly.

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