Chapter 12: sudden visit

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.:Cody's POV:.

Last night definitely was tiring.. returning from the hospital, Ava's incident everything is a bit too much to comprehend for someone who just crashed into a tree.

I opened my eyes to find the room pitch black, the curtains were closed and the lights and the door were shut.

Huh.. thats odd, actaully not-
I forgot I shut the door last night with a key that's why no one entered.

I got up and opened the curtains, sunlight finally peered through the glass into the room making it a golden shade since it was noon.
Unlocked the door and the house was dead quite, I got my phone out my pocket and it was currently 3:35 pm.. wow I've slept for quite a while-
But it was a Monday, probably chase's at school.

I walked down stairs to find 3 maids have returned, one of them Linsie was cleaning the kitchen and the other 2 were cleaning around the house.

"Good morning.." I said trying to sound as awake as possible.
"Morning, sir.. everything okay?" Linsie turned to me with a quite concerned face.
"Yea, I just feel like my head is spinning.." I sat on one of the bar chairs next to the kitchen island.
"Want me to prepare breakfast for you?", linsie always cared about me, she had been working in the family for a little over 16 years, she was in her mid thirties.. but she didn't look a day over 26.
"That would be nice.. thank you" a small smile stretched upon my face and she smiled even a bigger one and got out a pan, "Pancakes?" She asked, "Yes, please.." She was my nanny when I was younger so she knew I liked a big stack of Pancakes first thing when I wake up.

She was preparing the batter, my attention was focused on the motion of her hands, for some odd reason.. I always focused on people's hands on how it moved during doing something they've been doing for quite a long period of time.. it always mesmerised me on the motion of it.

"So.. what exactly happened?" Her voice snapped me out of my Daze making me turn to her, "Oh well.. uhm, according to what the doctor has said.. I was sort of driving with a blurry vision and drove right into a Tree-" I explained.
"Did you feel sick or anything? Why was your vision blurry?".
Ah.. yes.... the reason I don't even want to bring up.., "well, I was on a date with my girlfriend..-", "Ava? Oh how is she? Such a sweet girl you're dating!" She cut me off with some idiotic nonsense.. yea, sweet girl my ass.
"..and... I found out she cheated on me with a guy from school.. for over 5 months now.." I continued and even though I couldn't see her face, her body tensed up at my continuation.
"I.. I'm so sorry.. I didn't mean to-", "it's not problem.. I broke up with her anyways" I said feeling somewhat hurt but proud.

"Sir, an unknown number is calling on the house phone" another maid came in her name was Jess.
"I'll go get it" I got up from the stool and walked over to the house phone.

"Hello, Anderson residents, how may I help?" I spoke into the phone.
"Yes? Hello, Mr Anderson, this is wenslets Hospital calling to inform you to come check up on.. Sara Cadence" a male voice spoke, once I heard the name my full attention was now focused on the words coming out of the Man's voice.
"Yea, I'll be there shortly, thank you!" I hung up quickly and tried sprinting to my room but my legs just collapsed under me.. stupid crash-

I got up again and started walking carefully up the stairs trying to speeden up my pace nut my legs just wouldn't.

I entered my room and went straight to my wardrobe and licked out black sweatpants and a white shirt with a blue jacket.

I went into the bathroom rinsed my face and brushed my teeth quickly and left the bathroom, I grabbed my wallet and ran out the room downstairs.

"I'm out now, bye!" I said opening the door and almost out of it linsie popped out of the kitchen.
"Wait, wait!" She said, "what is it?".
"Where are you going?" Her furrowed eyebrows were full of concern.
"I'm going to pick up Sara" I said standing infront of her now practically towering, "how are you gonna get there? You don't have a car" She had a point.. I crashed my car and turned can't drive yet.
"I can just use one of the other cars and get Sam to drive me there" I said.
"Fine, but what about your breakfast?", "I'll just have it when I'm back, bye now" I closed the door behind me and went to Sam my driver.

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