chapter 17: officer

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.:Sara's POV:.

I woke up after a couple of hours and felt the familiar soft fabric, with the familiar smell of cologne on the bedsheets.

I sat up looking around and saw Cody was sitting on his desk doing something on his Laptop.
Even though I couldn't see his face, his hair was all messed up and he was slouching, and his breathing sounded tired.

I guess he felt me looking at him because he turned his chair around and looked at me.

"Hey... what are you doing up..?" He said in a tired voice, "I got enough sleep.. you're the one that seems to need sleep" I replied, "what are you even doing?".
"I needed to look at some documents and messages from work.. they woke me up for this" He said rubbing his face and resting it in his hands.
"Just.. look at them in the morning... it's probably midnight" He needed sleep, he looks basically dead.
"I'm going there anyways.. I have to skip school tomorrow.." his voice muffled in his hands, "am I coming along?" I asked, "No, you missed enough days, it's fine I'll just be gone for a few hours, I'll pick you up after" He said.
"Alright then..".

He smiled and was about to turn back to the screen.

"About what happened last night.." I asked, and he seemed to tense up.
"What about it?" He turned back.
"How.. how did you become.. my size..?" The memory of him holding me in his arms wasn't wiped, it confused me.
"Hmm..?" He looked confused, was I just dreaming?, "when you shrunk?.. How'd you do that?" I specified.
"It's nothing you need to worry about.. really" he replied starting to fidget with his hands.
"You'll have to explain it one way or another someday.. I just wanna know".
He stayed quiet for a bit.
"Well.. something a few people, not just predators can do, is shrinking... and it's like camouflaging.." he explained.
"Camouflaging for what exactly?".
"In older days.. when we used to hunt, we needed a cover to not be discovered if we're in-between a human Colony, those giants used to live amongst people.. or in other worlds.. predators like me, used to build trust between the humans.. then attack" He further explained, and that shook something inside me.

"So.. you can do that?" I asked, "I guess.. its not useful anymore though in todays society" He said.
I just nodded feeling myself dumbfounded.

He turned back to his laptop and continued typing on the keyboard.

"So.. if you can do that.. can can you do it now?" I asked, I wanted to spend some time with him... not feeling small.
"It takes a lot of energy from me.. and I'd be naked if I do" He replied and I could hear the embarrassment in his voice.
"I can go in my room and you could do your thing then come in!" I suggested.
"I don't know... I don't do this a lot.. zach and Austin and probably uncle will worry." He said, "fine..whatever you want" I said turning my back and tried falling asleep.

After a couple of minutes, I heard him get up from his chair and I felt his fingers curling around me.

"Mhm?" I hummed, I didn't know why he picked me up, "are you upset?" He asked looking concerned, "Why would I be?" That confused me, I was still so tired and I felt that my legs were sore.. especially my thighs..
"For not wanting to shrink?" I don't know why he thought I was upset, I wasn't, if he wants to that's cool, if he doesn't that's cool too.
"No, no, not at all" I tried reassuring him.

He looked at me with concern and then he walked towards the little house and set me beside the door.

"Get in, I'll be there in a minute.." he said.
I raised my eyebrows in confusion but I listened and went in.

About 15 minutes passed, and there was no sign of Cody, I don't know if he was actaully shrinking or doing something else.

Just then I heard the door knock, and I got up to open it and saw Cody standing in the doorway, but actaully my size!
He had different cloths, his face seemed more gentle seeing him more up close instead of seeing a part of him one at a time.

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