Chapter 2: A liking to one another

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After a few hours, Sara felt a breeze of cool air on her little legs as she was wearing blue shorts with a blue shirt.
She fluttered her eyes open to see that she was laying on a big soft surface with something laying on top of her.
She shuffled under the soft cloth to see that she was facing a massive face that belonged to non other than Cody.

She freaked out and almost fell of the soft surface which she later knew was his bed, while she was shuffling and screaming, Cody woke up to see her fell in between his pillows gasping for air terrified.

The lights were still off but he could still see her from the moonlight peering in through his window.

"What the hell is happening with you.." he said groggily supporting himself with one hand.
"I should be the one asking what im doing here, give me back to my sister and friend" she shouted back at him furiously.
"No, you're gonna sleep here whether you like it or not, I own you, and I do what I want with you because you're mine" He spat back scooping her up from her place and putting her back on her pillow.

Suddenly the door opened and a maid came in standing in the door way.
"Hello sir, butler Jones told me you haven't had dinner yet, are you gonna have it here or downstairs?" She said her voice quite to not disturb anything.

"What time even is it?.." he said trying to block the light from hallway out.
"It's 9:10 pm sir, you were asleep for about 4 hours, and you haven't eaten"
"Whatever just bring it up here.." said laying back down and covering himself.
"Right away!" She said closing the door carefully.

"Now that that's done, get me back" the shorty demanded.
Fot god's sake,Shut up, are you always this annoying?!" He said seem annoyed his voice raising a little.

She felt intimidated by his size even though she thought she shouldn't be, but he can kill her if he wanted, so she decided to keep her mouth shut.

After 10 minutes, the maid came back with a tray full of platers scattered across it full of delicious looking food.
She then realised how hungry she was since the shop keeper never really fed them decent food.

The maid placed the food on the little wooden table and left the room quietly.
After the door clicked closed, he got up from the bed and walked over to the bathroom again to wash his face.

Sara then stood up on the pillow stumbling abit on the soft surface seeing that the platters contained White rice with grilled chicken and gravy and a ceaser salad and a bottle of wine with a globe glass.

She wanted to ask If she could have some, but she felt sad when she realised he probably won't give her any after the attitude she spoke with.

He then exited the bathroom and with grace and steadiness picked up the glass chamber that contained the 2 sleepy humans and put it on his TV stand careful to not wake them up.

He walked over to Sara then and scooped her up in the palm of his hand, curling his fingers around her delicate form as she won't fall down.
"Hey! What are you doing?!" She gasped in surprised when he picked her up.
"What do you think I'm doing I'm going to feed you" He said.
She felt surprised that he was still willing to feed her after how she spoke to him.

He placed her on the cold silver tray beside a big platter of rice and sat down himself.
He then got the wine bottle and popped it open and poured some in his glass to eat with his food.

"Ca..can I have a piece?.." the tiny asked with a small voice, still shy.
Without a word he cut off a chunk of the chicken and plopped it infront of her to eat.
She immediately held the greasy chunk of chicken in both her arms and started nibbling on it shyly.

While she was eating, she kept looking at cody 'boy he eats a lot' she thought.
After a couple of bites, she felt full and decided to rest on the tray until he carried her back to her sister and friend.

"You done?!" He asked looking down at her. "Y..yea, I am..." She said looking at him then looking away.
She then shifted her eyes from Cody to her hands and started fidgeting out of boredom.

Suddenly she heard a bag shuffling near, and then a scream was heard.
She knew what was about to happen again, she blocked out the noise, but she couldn't block it out completely.

Cody then grabbed a girl from the bag her screams loud and she was thrashing a lot in his grasp. He was holding her from the back of her shirt dangling her infront of his face.
He then got his wine glass, and when the girl realised where she would be going, she started crying and begging for mercy, without a warning Cody dropped her in the blood red liquid and started swishing the glass around a bit while looking at his phone with his other hand.

He then brought the cup up to his lips and started drinking, the girl tried swimming to the bottom of the glass, but the current coming from Cody's lips were strong.
She then got pulled into the current followed by a loud gulping noise.
She started thrashing around and tried running to the front of the sealed lips but his tongue was preventing her from doing so, he was licking her all around and tossing her around, He then started pushing her to the back of his throat, she was screaming harder and he took one gulp and her legs got sucked into his throat.
"Please, please I'm begging you don't do this!" She begged and cried her eyes out feeling devastated.
And with one final gulp she was descending to her forver prison.

Sara was terrified even tho she didn't see it happen this time as she forced herself not to look or listen.

Cody sighed satisfied with his meal and spread his body across the couch infront of the table to rest for a bit.

Sara then knew it wasn't a good idea to ask to be given back, so instead she layed on the cold surface and tried sleeping again with her nerves bothering her and paranoing her.


After a few hours:

After about 5 hours Sara opened her eyes after a restless sleep, when she woke up she saw that she was still laying on the silver tray and the plates were now licked clean and Cody's limp body spread across the couch his bare chest rising and falling with every breath.

She looked around the room and saw a lit up alarm clock and it said it's 2:15Am.
She stood up from where she was standing and the cold surface beneath her feet made her shiver.
She was far away from the bed and her glass cage, the only thing close to her was Cody laying on the couch.
She thought about it for some moments and was a bit skeptical an whether she should do it or not.

Then a another cold breeze of air brushed at her legs making her shiver in cold and she knew she would freeze to death if she didn't seek any kind of warmth.

Slowly she crept to the edge of the table and made a mad dash to jump over and to catch the rim of his shorts so she could climb on.
She leaped and almost slipped but was successful on catching the edges of his shorts and started helping herself up.

It was dark and she wasn't sure where she was climbing or what was watching her.
But while she was slowly climbing up his thighs, she felt the gravity under her was gone and was clutching her heart if it was a monster or something.

But instead she came face to face with Cody who's eyes were slightly open and a cheeky grin spread across his face.

"That was semi amusing to watch you try and get yourself up here" a deep chuckle escaped his lips.
She felt her cheeks redden from embarrassment and looked away.
"Why are you even trying to get up here?" He said amusement still clear in his voice.
"You left me to s..leep on the cold tray, and I was cold.. I was gonna freeze to death if I didn't seek warmth..." She said shyly that he caught her, "how did you even wake up?" She said confused on how he felt her.
"I woke up 30 minutes ago because I couldn't sleep, and I saw you get up and run to me" He said.
"Alright, but can you please put me down now im getting dizzy.." She said tiredly.

He lowered his hand and dropped her onto his bare chest, and left her there.
She curled herself into a ball to be warmer because she wasn't wearing something to cover her completely, but she was surprised when he layed his hand on top of her giving her more than she asked for.


Hello everyone <33

Here's chapter 2 of this story.
I know it is kinda of sad and all, but i wanted to end it with something wholesome atleast idk💕

But anyways hope you're enjoying the story so far
And have a nice day :)

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