Chapter 19: flashbacks

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.:Sara's POV:.

"Hello?.." Chase's coice spoke through the phone.

"Chase.. I need you to call an emergency line, right now! I'll send the location" I said panicking not knowing what to do at my size.
"What happen-" before he could finish I hung up and sent him the location which was seen immediately.

I was shocked, confused, and terrified...
What happened?
Did he die?
Did he just faint?
Oh my god... what if he's allergic to something here....

I felt terrible.. what am I supposed to do, I don't even measure up to his finger... I don't know how to help.

"Cody..? Please tell me you're okay?.." I spoke the teats that swelled up in my eyes started to pour down in a river.
I tried holding back tears, but the frustration and stress was killing me!
I felt like I wanted to puke from stress.. but if I did.. it would land him-

I moved closer to where his heart was probably was, and tried hearing if it was beating and jf there was a pulse.
And thank the lord there was..
I breathed out a sigh of relief.

I sat around him for a bit, thinking how it turned from a good day to bad.. everything seemed fine.. until now I guess.

After a couple of minutes of me humming a song my mom always used to sing before I went to sleep when I was younger.. I wonder what happened to her and dad..
Just then, sirens could be heard in the distance, they were sounding much louder as they were coming closer, and I had to cover my ears or else I would go deaf.

The ambulance came with its loud sirens that made me try to cover my ears before I lost my hearing.

It stopped shortly and 3 emergency medical technicians hurried out the ambulance with a tray like thing made of cloth, were they supposed to transport him on that?

They slowly lifted him onto that tray thing and slowly and carefully escorted him into the ambulance.

Not even 10 seconds passed and a grey car came behind the ambulance, and out that car came chase and Cody's uncle worried.

I was standing in the ground, scared that I might get stepped on or killed since I was between long strands of grass.. grass reminds me alot of..

"Sara!" Chase called cutting my rope of thoughts, I flashed my phone's flashlight and he noticed it glowing in the dark and kneeled down beside me.
He picked me up in his hands and got me to eye level with him.

"What happened?! Did he just suddenly faint? And what's this place?" Chase asked a million questions that I can barely process what even was happening in the last 15 minutes.

"Uh~.. I-" I began to stutter, not knowing what to utter, so I simply nodded yes for which question, I don't know.

"He's going to be Okay, he's just a bit past due his.. uh..." the nurse whispered into his uncles ear, and I was completely oblivious to what he was saying.

"Yea, that happens a lot with my wife, but I wasn't sure if Cody had the same thing happen to him aswell" his uncle pulled away and said.

"So my brother's gonna be okay?" Chase asked walking towards them holding me close to his Chest so I wouldn't fall.

"He's going to be fine, also.. that's something very common in his group, as if they're past due.. sometimes they can lose control completely, or just shut out and faint until they get the right proportion of.. you know what" the medical technician signalled with his eyes towards me.. and I gulped a lump in my throat, feeling nervous.. was he talking about what I was thinking..?

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