Chapter 9: 5 months

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Third person view:

They ended up spending the whole day in the Mall shopping and went to the arcade winning a couple of prizes, doing a lot of fun things till they were exhausted.

Cody and Chase, Sara,Elliott and Via all returned home at 10PM exhausted emotionally and physically.

Chase went to his room and closed the door, and Cody went to his with the tinys in his hand and put them down then slumped down face first into his mattress.

"Well goodnight folks" Elliott said before entering the dollhouse followed by Via and Sara stood outside on the porch.

"Everything good?" She asked Standing on the edge.
"Yea, yea everything's....fine" He huffed out, "Whatever you say Cody" She said not wanting to push it.
"Well good night I guess" She said opening the door when she felt a gentle tug on her skirt.

"Will you sleep on my bed tonight?" He asked looking embarrassed of the question like how a child would be embarrassed after breaking his moms favourite vase.
"Why's that?" She turned around to face him, "I don't know.. but please?" He said his words coming out as mumbles.
"A-alright, sure, let me just get changed, you too Alright?" She said putting her small hand on his.

He smiled and nodded and got to up change and left her to change too.

She went up to her room and chose some white socks with purple Pj pants and a white sweater.

She stepped out the house in her PJ'S to find Cody already sitting infront of the table fidgeting with his hands.
She cleared her throat to get his attention and he looked up at her and his lips broke into a shy smile.

"I'm getting tired, can we go to bed?" She broke the silence, "Uh.. yea Sure" he said Lifting his hand to her level and she sat on it making herself comfortable.

He walked over to his bed and layed down and put her on his chest, she was surprised by his actions but Just went along with it and layed down and curled on his chest to keep herself warm.

He then put one hand on her lower half to keep her warm and one arm behind his head to lift his head a bit and they both just sat there in comforting silence.

"You know, I'm glad I have you Cody even tho I was scared of you at first, yet you have done so much to us these past few weeks" She admitted cuddling closer to him and grabbing the fabric of his shirt.
"I..uh.." he felt at a loss of words, he knew what he was doing to Ava was wrong, but he felt like he didn't love her anymore, he felt like he liked Sara more which felt wrong because of the size difference.
"I'm..glad to have found you too Sara.... you changed my Miserable days into happy ones" He said saying truthfully.

"You're like the friend I wished I had, I love Elliott but he's a lot to handle, he's the first one that I ever met when I was first captured and forced into the store, yet he needed someone to look after him rather than to look after someone, he's 14 afterall" memories of that horrible place started replaying in her head like a video tape.
"I'm sorry if I had scared you the first night by... you know eating a human infront of you when I know I shouldn't because it would traumatise you" He sounded sincere.

She shuddered at the memories of the first day when she saw him swallow a human whole which did traumatise her.

"Cody..?" She said looking up at him.
"Yeah?" He answered, "Why didn't treat me like the others..?" She asked nervously unsure if she needed to ask that question.
"What do you mean?" He looked down at her not sure if she meant it in the way he was thinking.
"I mean.. why hadn't you like... eat me.. like you did with the other's..?" She felt uneasy asking that question.
"I don't know, I felt like I shouldn't, so I didnt" He said shifting a bit in his place.

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