Chapter 18: lavender

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.:Sara's POV:.

I have been passed out for a good couple of hours, instead of sleeping on the couch, I was now sleeping on the rug on the floor like a cockroach.

I grabbed my phone off the couch and saw I had 5 missed calls from Cody and 76 messages from Lana, kaden and Cody.. I was in trouble now-

I called Cody and the phone started ringing and I was hoping he wouldn't pick up.

"Hello?" He spoke, oh nuts-
"Hey.. you called?" I said, and my voice sounded like a dying crocodile.
"Well, yea I called you 3 hours ago and thought you were dead-" His words were sloppy and it seemed like he was eating something.
"And how'd you know I wasn't?".
"I called Elliott and asked him, he told me your were passed out like a pregnant bear, his words not mine" I rolled my eyes, wow Elliott-
"Wow, you guys are so funny" I said.

"Anyways, wanna go out.. on a date maybe?" He asked and his voice seemed to lower on the last part.
I stayed silent for a bit, processing what he said.. a date? We haven't gone to an official date.
"Uhm.. yea Sure, where we going?" I asked.
"I was thinking some kind of fancy restaurant?" He said.
"But fancy restaurants are usually SUPER expensive.. you'd be wasting your money".
"If I have the money, then I won't hesitate to spend it on you, if you wanted to buy roses I'd get them for you, if you wanted to buy Russia, I won't think twice before getting it" I felt shy at his words, I was the one thinking twice on why he'd spend money on me?
"Just dress in something fancy or casual, and be ready in 40 minutes Alright?" He snapped me out of my Daze.
"Oh yea, I..  alright" I replied quickly.
"Great, see you then" He then hung up.

40 minutes?

I won't have enough time, I have to get ready ASAP-

I rushed up to my room and searched through the mess I call a closet and pulled out a off-white long sleeve short dress that was at my knees, and I pulled out brown tights and put those on real quickly being careful not to rip them.

After I put my cloths on, I brushed my birds nest (my hair-) and started putting on light makeup, I'm not a fan of heavy cakey makeup.

I searched through my room for shoes until I found my red converse and put them but ofcourse.. converse likes to take its time sliding on my foot.
After I got it on, I searched for an appropriate bag and just got anything.. I have 10 minutes left.

I speedrunned everything and was finally ready and sprinted down the stairs almost tripping and splitting my skull open.

"Where are you going?" Elliott asked from his place on the couch.
"I.. uh..." I wasn't thinking straight, and I don't why I was trying to come up with a lie, "I'm going out with Cody?" I said.
"Alright, but can you get me a chocolate bar on your way home?" He asked.
"I'll see what I can do, by the way Where's Via?".
"She's watching a movie with Chase and austin downstairs" He said.
I nodded and hurried out the door.

Upon exiting, I saw Cody spraying on some cologne on his cloths.
And as he noticed me he smiled.. and my heart warmed.

"Ready to go Hope?" He questioned, and I questioned.. hope?
"Hope?" I asked.
"I call you my hope, my light in this path.. never mind, it's weird.. let's just go" He explained, and now I felt bad for ever asking-

He stretched his hand towards me and I gingerly hopped on and sat making myself comfortable without sweating through my tights.

He seemed nervous which made his hand WARMER, which means by the time we reach the car, I'll smell like sweat and have a burn on my butt.

"I'm heading out" He shouted, I still wasn't used to the sudden loud voices, and his shouting made me automatically cover my ears.
"Do want dinner prepared Cody?" A maid called out, I think was called lissy?
"No, that won't be necessary, thanks for asking anyways linsie" He thanked, oh linsie not lissy.

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