5: "Getting Serious"

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It had been 4 days since Killua and Pitou's encounter with the the cockroach. The group was waiting at the airport for Vic and his partner to arrive, Gon was busy meditating with Pitou as both were focusing their auras.

Millianna and Makoto were playing some cards to pass the time and Rem and Killua were just chatting.

It was slow day for the group as the hours went by, but this would be the day where Vic would arrive.

"Man, I'm going to lose my mind if we have to wait like this! I'm soooooo bored 🥱" said Makoto she was clearly getting impatient.

" Relax, it shouldn't be long now they should be here any minute " Said Millianna reassuring Makoto that they just had to be patient.

Meanwhile Gon and Pitou were still meditating but after sometime Gon opened one of his eyes and saw Pitou was still concentrating. He got closer and reached out and started rubbing her ears.

This quickly got her attention.

"Hey now, you need to focus because we aren't done yet Gon, I assume you are getting bored as well?" 🤭

"A little, I know it would take some time for them to get here" he continued rubbing her ears as her purring started to get slightly louder.

"*Purrr* alright, You can rub my ears if want because I can't concentrate right now, so we can take a little break"😊

She laid down on the bench with her head resting on his lap as he continued gently rubbing her ears. Her purrs only got louder as this relaxing for her, Pitou was nothing but a big house cat right now and Gon couldn't help but giggle at this Her tail was happily wagging.

Rem and Killua were busy discussing about different tactics they could use on how to fight the cockroaches.

" You know doesn't sound too half bad Rem, definitely could work against them"

"You think so?🙂 Well im not too certain it could work but it's worth a try"

The two surprising got along pretty well but, Millianna couldn't help but noticed Killua.

"Jealous~" Makoto stuck out her tongue at her.

"Huh? Don't be ridiculous, We barely know each other and we just met...you are such a pain sometimes"

"Uh huh, sure...."

(1 hour had passed )

An airship finally came to view and it could only mean one thing, Vic was finally here to greet the group and it was about time to.

"Finally! I was gonna pass out from boredom" said Makoto.

"Man, it's been a long time since we seen that old cat.... he's probably and old man that can't move anymore" 🤭 Said Millianna as she giggled to herself.

Pitou was a little nervous but excited to see her master once again, it had been too long since they last saw each other. She remembered the days when she met him and Millianna and she had to admit, she was a cocky brat at first.

The airship slowly started to land and was headed for docking area, and with bated breath he emerged from the airship and announced his presence.

" ALRIGHT, where are those knuckleheads? And to think I had to be dragged out all the way here"

" ALRIGHT, where are those knuckleheads? And to think I had to be dragged out all the way here"

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