17: "A battle of True strength"

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Makoto charged at the cockroach and connected a power blow to his stomach. But he was unfazed by the attack and simply bounced her back.

The Behemoth sprinted towards Makoto and unleashed his ferocious six-arm punches towards her. She activated her Tonfas and protected herself, and saw a small moment to punch him in the face sending him back a few feet.

"Shit... he's Strong...I better be careful, one mistake and game over for me." She started unleashing her Aura as the ground started to shake around her.

" Impact Inpakuto, Stage 1" her Nen exploded in power and wasn't playing games anymore. But she knew not to underestimate this guy, who knows what kind of tricks this guy might have.


Their movement started to become faster as they were blitzing across the broken buildings. Showing amazing display of power, and this was all the more reason for Makoto to win this fight.

Makoto clocked her arm back and unleashed a massive Punch as her Nen became as an extension of her arm. Destroying the some of the area but even that still didn't do anything to the Behemoth.

She was Punched and sent flying through a Building as she crashed landed. The Hybrid landed near her and tried to smash her flat with all six arms, but she got back up and caught the attack.

She was doing her best to hold her ground and after getting loose she jumped back to gain some distance.

As the two combatants clashed, the ground trembled beneath them from the sheer force of their blows.

Makoto refused to relent, throwing punch after punch with unyielding determination. It was a flurry of fists, each strike landing with incredible speed and precision.

With a fierce cry, she summoned even more Nen, channeling her full power into the fight and finally managing to land some hits on her opponent.

Then she grabbed his arm and started to swing him across then throwing him in the air.

She sprang to her feet and unleashed a flurry of lightning-fast and powerful punches. Her movements were so swift that she appeared as a blur, striking with increasing speed and precision.

 Her movements were so swift that she appeared as a blur, striking with increasing speed and precision

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"HAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" She continued smashing his body towards the ground with every hit.

Then with one final hit, she smacked him straight down the Behemoth crashed down destroying the surrounding area.

A huge cloud of smoke could be seen from the distance. Makoto landed back down a little winded but still was able to fight.

She was waiting for his next move then suddenly a massive limb stretch out and grabbed her. "Crap! I didn't know you could stretch your arms!....Not good!"

She was thrown into abandoned house as she crashed through different rooms before landing back outside.

As Makoto waited for her opponent's next move, she suddenly found herself ensnared by a massive limb that had stretched out towards her. "Crap!" she exclaimed, surprised by the unexpected attack. "I didn't know you could stretch your arms like that!"

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