9: "A disturbing truth" Pt:1

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It didn't take long for our group to encounter the Hostile Cockroaches and it was clear that they have grown in numbers.

Pitou and her friends have prepared themselves for this moment and they had proven they were strong enough to face these creatures.

With a single punch, Makoto ripped it's stomach open from just her sheer force alone. All that training was worth it since now everyone was able to take of these creatures one by one.

Millianna created staff out of her Nen ability and quickly disposed of any Cockroaches that got close. But even she noticed that these things were tough, their hard shells only made things more difficult to break through.

Rem and Killua were working together and Killua noticed he was having No trouble taking care of these Roaches, he surprised at just how strong he had gotten.

" Not too long ago I was barely able to put a scratch on these things....guess those lessons from Bisky paid off." He thought to himself as he was currently ripping multiple cockroaches apart.

His electricity along side with Rem's Maiden's Arsenal, her weapon's had gotten a boost in power since they were combining their attacks together.

A whole swarm of Cockroaches started to appear from all directions as the group prepared themselves. Rem and Killua went to work and combined their attacks together.

(Thunder Bolt Pillars)

Rem created Ice Pillars around everyone making sure it was safe. While Killua Infused his electricity within the Pillars shocking and killing all the nearby roaches around them.

" Hey not bad guys! You guys work well together!" 😁 Makoto said giving them the thumbs up.

"Thanks, let's keep moving I think it's safe to say we are just fighting grunts at this point."

Makoto was confused at this comment but Pitou started to explain.

" He's right, it's just like how you boys fought me all those years ago, remember the soldier ants you had to face just to get to the queen?" Pitou asked Gon and Killua as they both nodded their heads.

" I'm willing to assume that these guys might have something similar what I had in my old colony. So you guys know what that means right?"

" We'll be facing some seriously strong bugs...you think they can use Nen?" Millianna asked the question.

Everyone was hesitant to answer that but Gon spoke up and gave them the honest truth.

" I think they can use it, and we also have No idea how strong these guys are So let's just assume they all can use Nen."

He was right, deep down Pitou didn't want to admit it but if Gon was correct then this changes everything. That would also mean someone is leading this massive group.

The question is who?

"Alright let's keep moving guys"

"Wait! Hold on don't leave please!"

The group turns around and see's a little boy.

He looked like he was 10 years old.

" Hey kid it's dangerous here, you should get going before more of those monsters shows up" Killua said to the boy.

"I can't!...my....my sister..." He started to cry as he was wiping off some tears.

Pitou walked over to him bending down and placing her hands on his shoulders. Reassuring that everything's going to be okay.

"Hey now it's ok, is your sister missing? Maybe you tell us what happened to her." 🙂

" *Sniffling* she....she went missing yesterday when she was going to town pick up groceries from the food market. But she never came back and now I think those monsters took her" he started crying again.

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