Chapter 31

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Winter 2023

"Careful..." Simone walked behind Jordan and Matthew.

It was only a day after Thanksgiving and Simone already had the boys on a Christmas tree farm finding the perfect tree. She had never had a live one before and she wanted to make sure that Matt had a good Christmas. They had even invited his sister up to celebrate.

Christmas was Simone's favorite time of year. She had no plans to spend it with her immediate family. This was the first time she wasn't flying back home to Atlanta. She hadn't been keeping in contact and she preferred it that way. What made it special was that it was their anniversary. Simone had brought a chalkboard that counted down the days.

"Okay, put it exactly on the garbage bags." She made sure that the tree wouldn't leave a huge mess.

"I don't see why we couldn't get a fake tree." Matt thought aloud.

"This is a trial era. If we don't like it then we will continue to get fake trees."

"Everybody black has a fake tree." Matthew commented.

"Whatever, I brought a bunch of decorations because you not having any is absolutely crazy." She faced her fiancé

"I always stole from my parents." Jordan admitted.

She shook her head. She was looking forward to starting their own traditions together. Simone shuffled through her phone finding the perfect Christmas list. A good mix of old and new.  It looked like she brought the whole store to decorate his place with but she made them help until Matthew claimed he had plans already.

"Hold it." Jordan was already wanting to avoid this conversation.

"What's up?" Matt dug his hands in his pocket.

"We need to have a talk."

"Can this wait?" Matt started walking backwards.

"I can leave, I don't think I need to be listening to any part of this conversation."  Simone hoped she could escape.

"Babe.."  Jordan was willing to beg. He remembered their conversation from a week ago during their free period.

"Jordan, I am not about to do that." Simone stabbed her salad.

"Baby, you're so good at talking to students and making them feel comfortable."

"Uh yeah.... At school." She arched a brow seeing her better half sit across from her.

Jordan had been trying to convince her to talk to Matthew and Bailey about having safe sex for weeks. Simone on the other hand did not feel like she had a place in doing that. Matt was his responsibility and when she was off the clock , she was off the damn clock. She didn't think she needed them to know that she knew. It was literally betrayal that Jordan even told her in the first place.

Jordan groaned as he ate his food.

"What if... I pay you?"

"There are sex educators on school grounds for a reason. Go ask one of them."   Simone sighed.

"But... Matt says you're his favorite teacher."

"I am also your favorite, hon. The answer is still no. Why don't you just talk to him. Tuck some condoms under his pillow like a tooth fairy." Simone tried to keep a straight face.

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