Chapter 35

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Jordan and Simone spent the remainder of the summer slowly preparing for their move to California. They were in no rush - okay they were but they wanted to make sure they were still in Houston when Olivia gave birth to baby James - who ended up being not just one but a set of twins. Simone never knew her uterus could feel so much joy that Liv was the superior Baker blessed enough to handle twins. She was making good on her auntie duties by spoiling them. Spencer and Liv had one of each which was perfect for them.

She was able to break her lease first. That meant moving in with Jordan but she kept the majority of her items in moving boxes to make things easier. It was a temporary solution but she already felt like she lived there. According to Keisha, she was never at her own place when she needed to be.

She sold what she didn't need and saved every single penny because California was no joke. They had gone back and forth between the two states - house hunting, exploring the city, Jordan beginning to bond with his team mates and more house hunting to find the perfect place to call home.

"Matthew, let's go! You literally have orientation in two days." Jordan twirled car keys around his finger absentmindedly.

"So, you're not going to help me with my luggage?" Matt's eyes squinted.

"Maybe if you used your manners, I might move a little quicker."  Jordan scowled.

"You should be excited to be an empty nester." Matt replied.

"Trust me, I am more than thrilled."  Jordan smirked.

"Hope you got room for me when I visit." Matt cheesed shoving a box in Jordan's chest.

"If anything, you are taking the couch. The only human that will be taking up residency is a baby." Jordan teased on purpose,  finally helping Matt with the last of his boxes.

"Stop monitoring my uterus Baker!" Simone ventured out of the bedroom, tying her robe together.

"Don't fight the feeling, babe." Jordan winked.

"Matthew darling, do you want a old ass roommate, again?" Simone blinked.

"I mean Beverly Hills black ken kinda got money so...." Matt scratched behind his ear.

"No and no." Jordan looked between the two.

Jordan and Matt took all of his boxes down to Jordan's SUV. Simone grabbed the last of their two duffel bags and set the alarm. It was Matt's wild idea for them to do a 24 hour drive to California to take him to his campus in time for orientation. It could've been easier to fly but maybe they could use this one last bonding time.

"I am not trusting you to drive." Jordan shook his head unhooking the pump and sticking it in the fuel tank.

"Why not?"

"Because it's my name on the insurance, the car is mine and it's a long drive."

"Okay... but you need to sleep, she offered to drive next and she will also need to rest too. It was a drunk driver, coach. I wasn't even the one driving."

"I know I know, I - let me just do this."  Jordan patted his shoulder.

"Hey fave, can I drive instead?" Matt went over Jordan's head.

"I literally just said no." Jordan raised a brow

"I know what you said but she runs this whole show sooo...." Matt opened up a bag of chips.

"It's my vehicle."

"Wrong, she is your wife so it's a shared vehicle."  Matt corrected seeing Jordan's eye twitch.

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