Chapter 3 The girl I never should have rescued 2018

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We get Robin pov! Yay! We're all here for him honestly. Writing from Jason's pov turned out to be more difficult than I realized. I suppose it's easier to see through the eyes of the characters we create.

-Robins pov-
    Robin sighed rather dramatically before, as carefully as he could, he scooped up the girl and started to carry her back to his bike. He now regretted how far away he had parked it.

    He had insisted that he could patrol by himself but now he not so sure what to do. It was clear to him that this girl was another street kid, like he used to be, and hospitals where not a safe place for kids like her.
But he couldn't leave her, she'd been shot.
"Alfred could help." he thought.
He'd seen Alfred pull bullets out of Batman. Alfred would have to work, he wasn't leaving her.

    Finally back to his motorcycle, Robin realized he had no idea how he was going to drive with an unconscious girl in his arms.
He decided to put her front to his, wrap an arm around her waist and drive with his other hand. It wasn't ideal for driving but it would have to work. Once they where moving he used the computer built into his bike to call Alfred.

        " Alfred, I'm heading back to the cave, but I have a situation." Robin called into his com.

        " What is it Master Jason?" Alfred's calm voice rang in his ears.

        " I'll explain when I get there. Get the medical station ready I'm going to need you patch             up a bullet wound." Jason responded, trying not to sound panicked.

            " I'll have it ready when you get here."

Robin drove has fast has his bike would allow, clinging desperately to the stranger in front of him.

        " Just keep breathing, you're going to be okay." he whispered to her.

She just took a deep breath in response.

    Jason was relieved to find that Bruce was still out when he got back to the cave. Alfred had taken his mystery girl to stitch her wounds and brace her arm which had apparently been broken.
Jason still couldn't shake the panic has he stared down at her blood on the front of his armored tunic. Alfred had reassured him she would be fine, but if Jason was right, if she was who she thought she was, he had a promise to fulfill and she HAD to be okay.

    A sliding noise brought him out of his thoughts. When the garage style door slid open to make way for the Batmobile, Robin knew he was in for it. Batman climbed out and started straight towards Jason.

        " What where you thinking?" Batman yelled.

        " Bruce..." Robin attempted.

        " Bringing her here was stupid! She needed a doctor! A hospital Jason!" Bruce continued.

        " She's a street kid Bruce, hospitals weren't made for us! That's just asking for trouble!"         Jason argued.

Alfred reappeared from the curtained off section of the cave.

        " She's stopped bleeding" he declared and a wave of relief flooded Jason.
    " but she'll need to rest"

        " She's not staying here" Bruce declared

        " Not in the cave, no," Alfred snapped back " but it's not safe to move her very far just yet. I need to keep an eye on her stitches"

        " And she doesn't have anywhere else to go" Jason added.

        " I'll set up one of the spare rooms" Alfred said not waiting for Bruce's argument.
Bruce had been out voted.

Alfred started upstairs, Bruce following him, while Jason decided to check on his guest for himself.
To find out if his hunch was correct, if she was the girl he lost all those years ago.

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