Chapter 13 superhero or conspirator January 2019

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It was nearing 3A.M. but Lylas mind was suddenly more alert than it had been in weeks.
Small red bumps stretched nearly to her elbows, she hadn't realized she'd been scratching them. Her eyes where wide as answered continued to allude her.

        "What..?" Lyla began to wonder out loud.

        " It the grass right," Dick said " you said you where allergic."

        " We had the grass in the garden changed to a non-irritant." Alfred answered.

        "The only thing I touched was the grave." Lyla whispered

        " Maybe whoever planted over the grave planted the wrong thing." Barbra reasoned.

        " I did the greenery over and around Master Jason's plot myself." Alfred informed.

        "This isn't possible." Lyla reasoned still at a whisper.

        " What could have happened?" Dick asked Alfred.

        " Someone else messed with his spot." Lyla answered his question.

Everyone's eyes went wide as Lyla jumped of the sofa and ran toward the kitchen door.
She had that feeling in her gut again.
Something was wrong.
There was some other dark force at play she was sure of it.

Her feet had brought her to the shed in the garden before she had even realized where she was going.
She didn't stop, grabbing a shovel that was nearly has tall as her before her feet took of again. Toward the grave this time, toward Jason.

    She knew she would find one of two things at the bottom.
She would find the body of the boy she loved, finally resting, or she would find nothing.
Her gut told her it was the later.
Her shovel met dirt and her heart skipped, she wasn't crazy, she knew she wasn't.
She had to use her whole body to push the shovel further down and she realized this would take her all night.

A gentle hand appeared on her shoulder.
She turned around to find it was Dicks hand and Barbra and Alfred stood with him.

        " I think someone took him Dick."

        "Lyla he's gone."

        " I know..." he cut her off.

        " All that's down there is his body. He's not coming back Lyla."Dick pleaded.

        " I know he's gone Dick, I was at the docs, I drug him off that damn pier!" Lyla shouted.             "I'm not expecting. to find him alive!" She continued to yell now through tears. " but  I think someone took his body or....or messed with him, someone who didn't know about the grass." She stopped to catch her breath. " Now you can sit back and watch, you can go inside and             go to sleep, or you can help me but you're not stopping me."

Dick sighed before mumbling something Lyla couldn't understand.
He walked off toward the shed and returned a few moments later a matching shovel.

        " Let's see if you're right." He said with half a sad smile.

Barbra and Alfred now held flashlight but no one said a word as they dug. Hours past, the sun was starting to peak in through the trees when they finally hit wood. From there it was a shuffle to clear off the box enough to open it.
But there it was, a beautiful polished wood, a box full of death. Dicks eyes met hers.

     "Are you ready? Dick asked.

Lyla swallowed hard and nodded. Dick pulled the casket open. A symphony of gasps filled the garden.

            It was empty.

                 Completely empty.

                    Jason was gone.

                    Lyla was right, but what the hell is she supposed to do now.

A  Ghost Girl and a Zombie Boy 		           A Red Hood re-telling. Where stories live. Discover now