Chapter 49 Impermanent solutions

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As it turns out, time at the manor, time with her family was exactly what Lyla needed. She almost instantly seemed to be  feeling better.

They arrived at the manor around 3 in the afternoon to find everyone already waiting on them.

Even Bruce.

He approached them first, stopping them both just inside the door.

"Lyla. Jason. I'm glad your both here." He smiled at them.

He smiled?

Jason wasn't sure he'd ever seen Bruce smile before.

What the hell is happening?

Bruce looked at him now. "I know I've made mistakes. I've hurt you. Both of you. But I want to start over, to start doing right by you both."

"Thank you Bruce." Lyla said taking Jason's hand, not giving Bruce the option to continue. "Come on they're waiting on us."

She smiled up at him as they made their way around Bruce and to the rest of the family in the lobby.

Tim wrapped Lyla in a hug again. Jason didn't tense up this time, the kid meant no harm, he knew that now, but still he never looked away from them.

As soon as Tim released her she scanned the lobby.

"Where is Damian?" She asked.

"He's out in the garden," Dick answered. "I brought Haley. I keep telling Bruce he's going to have to get the kid his own dog, he's already best friends with mine."

"You got a dog?" Jason asked.

"Yeah she's great." Dick answered and the three of them started towards the garden.

"So Dick," Lyla started with a bit of mischief in her voice. "I heard Nightwing made an appearance in Blüdhaven."

" Um yeah," he said pulling the kitchen door open for them. "With you both back and safe the time felt right. As many regrets as I have I think Nightwing will always be a part of who I am."

"I understand." Lyla said with a bit of conflict echoing in her own voice.

"And I know Gothams in good hands," Dick said turning to catch Jason's eyes. "So I chose to start elsew..." Dick was cut off.

"Sister!" Damian yelled as they rounded the corner.

He ran at them at full speed with Haley hot on his heels.

"Hi Damian!" Lylas smile spread across her face. It reached to her eyes.

She was happy here.

She had a family here.

Lyla placed her hands on Damian's shoulders but he quickly shook them off.

"This is Haley," Damian said pointing to the dog sitting at his feet. "She is excellent company and very well behaved." Damian said with a flicker of pride.

"You're right Dick we need to get this kid his own dog and maybe a human friend to." Jason said with a chuckle.

"Father does not want a dog." Damian informed.

"Hmm we'll have to see about that." Dick smirked at Damian.

They turned back towards the house and Lyla wrapped an arm around Damian. He tried to shake her off again, but Lyla only held on tighter.

- Lylas pov.     –

"How are you settling in?" She asked Damian.

"It.. it is different." He answered. "I miss my mother."

"I'm sure you'll see her again before you know it. She just wants what's best for you."

"Is this what's best for me?" Damian asked turning his head up to look at her.

"Uh..I..uh.." Lyla truly had no idea how to answer that question.

"I am not unhappy here sister. Grayson is not terrible company and Alfred has good stories. Father. I am not sure of Father yet."

"Just give him time. This is all a lot for Bruce to but he's trying." Lyla told him, really she was telling herself as well.

"I wish you where here more. Living here is... different from what I am used to."

"I'm sorry. We'll try to visit more. Jason hasn't been back on this side of things very long, we're just trying to get settled into something normal."

Nothing she told him was a lie. There was a comfort here, with their family and she did want to be there for Damian. She only hoped Bruce wouldn't become an obstacle.

His words from earlier bounced back through her mind. What exactly had he meant? Would he stay out of their way? For redemptions sake?

"I'm going to start school next week." Damian told her, breaking her from her thoughts. "The semester only started two weeks ago so I won't be far behind."

"That's great Damian! You'll have a chance to make some friends."

"Everyone keeps saying that." he huffed " I have you and Grayson, how many do I need? I thought school was for education not socialization."

Lyla and Dick laughed as Jason pulled the kitchen door closed behind them and wrapped his hand around her waist.

They where home, even if it was just for now.

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