Chapter 56 Boss fight

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Chapter 56 Boss Fight

Everything had gone exactly as they planned it, but that didn't stop Lylas stomach from twisting. She was to keep Scarecrows attention long enough for Batman and Robin to find the venom. Red Hood and Nightwing where in the ceiling waiting for their signal. The idea was to find the drugs first so they didn't risk losing the only evidence. Lyla, Bruce and Barbra created this plan together as soon as they found Scarecrow. They had tracked him down in only a few days with the help of the young girls. (Who where now being adopted by some of Bruce Wayne's friends, who just happened to hear about their situation while catching up with his friend commissioner Gordon.) Scarecrow was creating the modified venom in an old theater that was posted as for sale.

But now that Phantom was tied to a chair while Scarecrow walk circles around her, ranting about the power of fear, she was far less confident in their plan.

"RE......" Phantom started to shout but was cut off by the sharp sting of smoke filling her lungs.

Her eyes stung and her vision went blurry, she felt her heart rate pick up and she began to sweat.

The fear toxin took its hold far to fast.

Noises echoed around her and her body shook with fear. There was fight happening and she couldn't fight back.

She snapped her head up to scan the room around her but only found a monstrous creature standing in front of her. A towering shadow with horns and glowing white eyes stood in front of her. Panic shook through her body as she thrashed against her binds in an attempt to escape.

But I'm her struggle her eyes caught something else, something worse.


His face was covered in blood. It covered his eyes and dripped from his lips.

It was happening again.

He was dying again.

- Jason's pov-

At the sound of Phantoms muffled scream the four vigilantes rushed into the main theater where Phantom was supposed to be creating a distraction.

Batman and Red Hood immediately made there way to where Phantom was tied up while Nightwing and Robin made quick work of a now hysterical Scarecrow.

At the sounds of the fight Lyla head snapped up. Fear consumed her features and was only growing. Her eyes found Batman first and she began to frantically pull against the ropes binding her hands.    

"What did he do to her?!" Red Hood snapped at no one in particular.

"He gassed her. It's fear toxin." Robin said calmly.

"Can you fix it?" Hood asked.

"We have an anti-venom in the cave. For now our best bet is to sedate her." He informed.

"Jason?" Lyla whispered. Tears where streaming down her face and she had stopped jerking against her wrists.

"Hey, hey I'm right here," her consoled landing on his knees in front of her. "You're going to be alright."

"I..I'm sorry." She said, still barely a whisper.

"What do you have to be sorry for."

"'re dead... and's all my fault." She choked out through tears.

"Hmm curious," The scratchy voice sang from across the room. "She has already lived through her worst fear."

"You bastard!" Red Hood screamed and he stood back up. "How dare you!" He pulled his gun from his hip.

"Hood NO!" Batman shouted.

But he was to late, Jason's bullet had found the spot between the glowing eyes of Scarecrows mask.

"Jason!" Batman began to scold.

"I don't want to hear it." Jason snapped.

"What's done is done." Tim added and held the syringe filled with sedative towards Jason. " Would you like to..."

"No, no I...." Jason's breath caught in his lungs.

"It's alright. I can do it. Just come hold her attention I need her still."

Jason came to kneel in front Lyla again and careful caressed her face. She was still crying but brought her flooded eyes to meet his.

"I'm sorry" She mumbled again.

"None of this is your fault." He whispered back as the needle met the side of her neck.

She jumped at the sudden pain but Jason squeezed her thighs to pull her attention back.

"I'm right her and I'm not going anywhere."

The sedative took effect quickly. Her eyes began to flutter closed before she could get her response out.


" I promise."

A  Ghost Girl and a Zombie Boy 		           A Red Hood re-telling. Where stories live. Discover now