Chapter 44 Comfort: bonus chapter: pov Clark Kent.

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This chapter is mostly detached from the rest of the story. I just wanted to throw in some superwonderbat fluff. Also I kinda wanted to address why Bruce constantly takes off when things go wrong.

Wayne Manor never failed to look both beautiful and ominous.
Clark nocked on the front door as Diana twisted her fingers with his.
It took a lot to rattle the Amazonian, but the tone of Alfred's voice when he called had them both filled with anxiety.

" Master Kent, Ms. Prince in so glad you could come by."

" Of course Alfred." Clark smiled at him. "Is everything alright?"

" I'm afraid not. Why don't you come inside."

They followed the butler into the lobby but he quickly turned to face them again.

" Two days ago master Bruce received some heavy news and hast left his office since. I've been unable to reach him. I'm hoping he'll be willing talk to the two of you."

"What did he find out?" Diana questioned.

"I'm afraid that is information that should come straight from Master Bruce."

"Thank you for letting us know Alfred." Clark said before starting up the stairs towards Bruce's office.

Clark knocked on the door softly. No response.

" Bruce?" Diana called, her voice gentle and full of concern. "Bruce can we come in?" She asked. No response.

Clark wasn't waiting any longer. Bruce was hurting and he wasn't going to go this alone.
He pushed the door open to find Bruce's eyes staring at them. He sat behind his desk, which was covered in papers, folders and notes of every kind.
Bruce's eyes where red and the dark circles under them where more predominant than usual.

" Oh Bruce." Clark said, walking around the desk to pull Bruce into a hug. "It's okay, we're here now."

Clark pulled him from the chair and to the sofa under the window. He sat Bruce down and wrapped and arm around his waist. Bruce finally relaxed and laid his head on Clark's shoulder and Diana climbed into Clark's lap, laying her legs across Bruce's.

" What happened Bruce?" Diana asked gently brushing his face with the back of her hand.

" The consequences of my own actions." A tear ran down Bruce's face.
Clark placed a soft kiss on his forehead. "Are you ready to talk about it?"

"Do you remember me telling you about Phantom?" Bruce asked.

"Robins girl?" Clark asked.
"The one who was convinced something happened to him after he died." Diana confirmed.

"She was right. I didn't believe her so she faced the League of Shadows on her own."

"Oh my." Diana mumbled.

"She did it though. Jason was there and with Talias help she got him out."

"That great Bruce." Clark said with a smile.
He'd met Jason a few times and honestly liked the kid.

"Jason's memories had been tampered with and Talia had hidden messages for her in his memories."

"She found out about you and Talia?" Diana asked. Bruce nodded.

" Talia had them come back to the island to get her son away from the shadows." A tear dropped unto Clark's shoulder again. "Our son." Bruce corrected.

"Oh Bruce..." Diana started.

"He's ten and he's incredible." Bruce continued. "But that wasn't the only thing Talia had for her." Bruce pulled away from Clark and pulled an old Polaroid from his pants pocket and handed it to Diana.

"Selina?" Diana questioned recognizing the cat mask in the photo.

"Selina is Lylas mother." Bruce confessed.

"She's your daughter?" Clark questioned pulling Bruce back into him. Bruce nodded.

"That's why Selina left Gotham. She never told me. She left Lyla at an orphanage and left."

" Oh Bruce." Diana said again pulling his head to her chest, both of them still on top of Clark.

They stayed that way for a long time. Bruce finally letting himself be vulnerable.
Even in the relationship they had Bruce tended to be closed of.
Clark knew it was only him and Diana that Bruce trusted with his vulnerabilities.
With his broken moments.

Diana took Bruce's face in her hands and pulled him up to look in her eyes.

" You have a second chance now Bruce. Your daughter will be bitter but give her time. You have a chance with your son that you never got with her. You get to be dad, Bruce. That's a beautiful thing."

Bruce's eyes lightened and Diana smiled at him.
Clark was in the perfect position to admire how stunning they both where. Bruce turned to meet his eyes, smiling slightly, he leaned in and kissed Clark.

He pulled away still looking lighter.

" Thank you," he turned to find Diana's face again. "Both for being here."

"Of course darling." Diana said standing up and pulling Bruce to his feet.

" Come on you need a shower and then we'll go get lunch. Just the three of us."

Bruce smiled at her, stepping out of the door into the hallway.
Clark wrapped a hand around Diana's waist and pulled her into a kiss.

" You're incredible." He whispered.

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