Chapter 26 Steps to recovery 2022

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Lyla fell asleep like that, sitting against the headboard, Jason's hand in both of hers. The next morning there was a phone on the counter with a note from Conner.

            I already talked to Barbra. She believed our story. – Kon

The phone had his number along with Barbra's, Dick's and Roy's saved. She knew she'd have to talk to them eventually but not today.
She flipped through cabinets looking for anything she could find to eat. Eventually she found a box of cereal and decided that grocery shopping was at the top of her to do list.
She ate, checked on Jason's stitches and made herself a list.
Connor had dropped her bike of with the phone. Lyla released then how lucky she was to have people like him in her life.
He may have been Jason's friend first but he'd been there for her when it really mattered.

Four days after arriving at the cabin, Lyla was sitting on the foot of the bed humming and doodling when Jason stirred awake. She turned to face him and his eyes went wide in panic.
He scrambled throwing the duvet off of him and pushed his back to the headboard.

" Woah, woah Jason!" Lyla exclaimed reaching her hands toward him but not grabbing him.
" You're okay. You're safe now."

His eyes where still wide as he tried to stay away from her reach. He started shaking his head and squeezed his eyes shut. He stopped as fast as he had started. Eyes still wide.

" Lyla?" He questioned. His voice was deeper now, like death hadn't stopped him from aging.

        " I've got you." She assured, her hands now finding his shoulders. "You're safe now."

        " Where am I?"

        " We're in a safe house outside Gotham. Jason what happened to you."

        " I... how did I get here?"

        "Connor and I got you out."

        " Connor?" He questioned.

        " Connor." She repeated.

        " Who's....." he started. Lyla took his face in her hands.

        " What did they do to you?" Lyla questioned, look deep into his eyes as if they might hood the answer. " Get some rest." She told her as softly as she could manage. " I'll figure this out. I promise."

She planted a soft kiss on his forehead and helped him back under the sheets. Once Jason was settled, Lyla found herself pacing the kitchen, tears streaming her face, questions drowning her thoughts.
A ringing broke her panic.
She wiped her tears and reached for the phone in her pocket. But her phone wasn't ringing. She looked around, quickly locating the ringing drawer. She walked across the kitchen and pulled open the drawer. It was completely empty except for the small black phone. She picked it up, flipped it open and answered.

        " Who is this?"

        " Congratulations girl," a woman rang from the other end. " you saved your boy."

        " Talia!" Lyla snapped. " what do you want?"

        " To help. I assume you're having memory problems by now?"

        " Y-yes... How did you know."

        " My father did it."

        " Right."

        " His memories can be unburied. They are there, you simply must find them. When all of             his memories return you will find the reason I've helped you. He'll have your mission."

A click and she was gone. Lyla refused to let Talia further darken her mood. No, she'd been successful, she had Jason back. Even Talia couldn't ruin that.

Jason slept until the sun began to set. Lyla was sitting at his feet again when he woke.

      " Jason?" She questioned seeing his eyes flutter open.

          " Hello my love."

A  Ghost Girl and a Zombie Boy 		           A Red Hood re-telling. Where stories live. Discover now