Chapter 29 Nightmare High

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Jason was shaking still as they talked through what he saw and Lyla helped fill in the blanks.

        " I could... I could hear you but I couldn't see you." Jason's said through shaky tears.

Lyla rubbed her thumb against his hand that was trapped in hers.

" I was there. Punchline held me back, made me watch. He was going to kill me next, but Dick showed up. He thought he was Batman and took off."

" I was already gone when he got there?"

" Yes."

" And that's what happened to your knee?" Lyla pulled her brows together.

" You favor your left leg. You didn't used to. Your right never healed properly."

" Yeah, Punchline stabbed me in the back of the knee when I was looking for you. That's how she got to me. Between that and the head injury I couldn't really fight back."

Jason took a deep breath but Lyla went on.

" When Joker blew the pier I pulled us both in the water, I passed out and you where still tied up. But I think you where already gone. Dick drug us both out and tried everything he could to open your lungs again but it was to late."

" And the Joker?" He asked. " Did Bruce take care of him?"

Lyla took a deep breath. She dreaded the answer he deserved.

" No. Dick tried to take him out but it got complicated. Punchline got in the way and he ended up killing her instead. With her own dagger at that."

" The one you carry now?"

"Yeah. Look Jason, I killed more people than I can think to count as I searched for you and....." Jason cut her off.

" I don't care. The people you killed didn't deserve the air they breathed." She smiled softly at him.

" Anyway that's why Dick quit. The guilt, the failure, it was to much."

" And after that?"

" Bruce didn't rally do a thing. He arrested the Joker but it was months later and per usual it didn't stick. He wouldn't even believe us when we told him someone took you. The Joker is still out there up to god knows what. He was the one who shot Barbra, he's blow up buildings, and gassed half the city since then."

Jason stood up and made his way to the kitchen, leaning over the sink. He stayed that was for a moment, his head hung and eyes closed. He sighed and looked to Lyla who took the opportunity to join him. She sat on the counter next to the sink.

        " You never went after him?"

        " I had planned to. But those first few weeks I hardly left your room.
The grief, the guilt made it hard to do anything, let alone fight. By the time I got my head on straight it was only hours until we realized you where gone. Then for the next three years I did nothing but look for you."
His eyes final found hers.

        " Will you help me fix it?"

        " What do you mean?"

        " Help me kill the fucker responsible for all this."

        She took his face into both of her hands " I would be honored."

She pulled him into a deep kiss and something broke inside both of them. She wrapped her legs around him and Jason pulled her off the counter. He pushed both his hands up the back of her shirt. She broke off the kiss and looked deep into his eyes.

        " Are you sure your ready?"

        " No, but I can't wait any longer."

They'd talked about sex since Jason had been back but had decided to wait to make sure he was ready. But he was right, she didn't want to wait any longer either.
He pulled her shirt over her head and waisted no time to find her nipple between his fingers, his other hand was still wrapped around her waist and he roughly kissed a spot on her neck. He carried her across the open space and placed her down onto the couch and pulled of his own shirt before starting on the buckle of her shorts.
She could see him now, really see him.
His chest was painted with scars, some old, most new. His incredible eyes where filled with something she'd long forgotten, filled with lust, with desire, with need.
A need for her.

        " You're beautiful." She whispered. He only smirked as he pulled her shorts free.

    Jason know exactly what he was after and waisted no time getting there. He pushed her knees apart and began planting kisses along her thighs, occasionally teasing her lips, but he wanted her to want it. And she did she wanted to feel him, to feel his warm lips on her clit, to feel him warm tongue inside her.

        " Jason please!" She begged.

        " What is it darling?" He chuckled from his place between her thighs.

        " Please Jason I need it!"

        " As you wish."

And just like that he pushed his tongue into her, his nose brushing her sensitivity. She let out a long, soft moan. He took this as his invitation to explore further. He pushed further in and curled his tongue upwards. He knew what he was looking for and it was just nearly to much for her.

      " Oh fuck Jay!" She moaned out!

She could feel him smile against her, but he didn't let up.
Instead he pushed I finger into join his tongue. Lyla moaned loudly against the back of her hand. He thrust it in and out, slow and first but ever building speed.
At this rate Lyla knew she wouldn't last long. But suddenly Jason pulled his face away and leaned over her to see her, now sweat covered, face. He put his free arm next to her head and slowly began moving his finger again.

        " You waited three long years for me?" He whispered down at her.
He slid in a second finger and continued thrusting them into her. She could only nod in response.

        " You spent time with my boys even." He quickened his pace. " But you waited for me         instead."

Lyla couldn't hold out anymore. Her climax came quick and hard. She coated Jason's fingers in seconds as her screams drowned out what he was saying.

Jason leaned down placing his sweaty forehead against hers but not removing his fingers.

        " I'm so proud of you." He whispered to her.

Once Lyla had regained her composure she found Jason standing in front of her, cum soaked fingers stroking his now extremely impressive length, and realized she had a long night a head of her.

So this definitely isn't their first time but I was not writing about it while they where underage so you get what you get.

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