Chapter 10 The Holidays 2018

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Buckle in this is a long one!

Like she had promised, Lyla and Jason took the next day off.
Actually they took the next several days off.
But before their week was over they found themselves helping Alfred with Holidays plans. Among all the cooking and prepping on Thursday morning, Alfred had found the time to ask Lyla if she wanted to enroll in high school. Lyla tried to say she wasn't ready but had Alfred insisted she was more than ready.
So after the Holidays they where going to start on the paperwork for school and officially making Bruce her foster parent.
Fostering was Dicks idea because adoption would, in theory, make things with Jason even weirder. (But she needed a legal guardian to enroll.)
It didn't matter to her.
Her pretend parentage wouldn't change the way she felt about Jason.
She wouldn't still be here if not for Jason.
She didn't care much for Bruce anyway, she didn't expect much to change just because of some signed documents. Lyla couldn't believe he had even agreed to it. The whole thing was Alfred's idea, to officially make her part of the family, but she was sure Bruce would remind her she was temporary, she could have sworn she was dreaming when he said yes.
Her long lost dream was coming true faster than she could process it, she was part of a family.

Her first Thanksgiving was more than she could have ever asked for. Lyla was introduced to Barbra (who she's pretty sure is Batgirl) and Dicks girlfriend Kori.
Kori was great, and it was her first Thanksgiving to, so Lyla didn't feel quite so out of place, though Kori was very vague about where she was from that didn't celebrate the holiday.
Dick was already talking about the elaborate Christmas décor he was planning for the manor this year, and Bruce continually reminded him of the Christmas gala they where hosting and Dick was supposed to help plan.
Jason teased Dick about having to take on the Wayne adult responsibilities, Dick groaned with the remind he was an adult now.
Lyla wasn't sure she had smiled this much ever in her life and she didn't ever want it to end. They sat around the large dining table until well after the sun went down, simply enjoying each other's company, nothing else in the world mattered for those few hours.

Lyla and Jason volunteered to clear the table. Lyla packaged the leftovers that they would take to the shelter tomorrow, while Jason washed the dishes. He noticed her still smiling and said,

" What's on your mind."

" A little bit of everything."

" Tell me about it."

" It just, it weird. I never had a family Jay, and I somehow got here from a mugging."

" hmm" Lylas smile was gone now.

" and all in less than two months. I can count back the days to when I was completely alone with no one to miss me if I died, and now I'm going to go to school, I'm being fostered and I'm a fucking super hero."

" It's pretty cool huh"

" Yeah but Jason," her hands where shaking as every doubt came pouring out of her trembling lips. "It's to good to be true. Good things don't happen to people like me without life wanting something in return."

" Like us," Jason corrected. "and it can. Good things can happen to us." Jason said taking her hands into his wet ones from the sink. " I promise I won't let anyone hurt you, not ever again."

" It's not me I'm worried about, I always seem to survive." Lyla stared at the ground feeling as if his eyes would slice right through her.

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