Chapter 43 Found family

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-Jason's Pov-
By the time Jason woke up the next morning Lyla was no where to be seen. He pulled himself out of bed, swaying a little on aching legs.

He pulled on the cargo pants he'd worn yesterday but decided against the reinforced shirt. He pulled open the dresser drawers only to quickly realize nothing would fit him. He groaned to himself knowing what he had to do. He pulled to door to the bedroom open making sure the hallway was empty, before sneaking into Dicks room.
He pulled a black tee-shirt from the wardrobe and pulled it over his head. It was tight but a least it fit over his head.

Once he made his way out of the room and into the hallway he hear Lylas voice coming from the dining room. Almost purely out of instinct he began to follow it.

" She was an alien?" Lyla nearly shouted at Dick.
Jason came up behind her, kissed the top of her head before claiming the seat next to her.

She grabbed his hand as he say down. 
Jason found Dicks eyes, something foreign swam behind them.

" G'moring love." Jason smiled at Lyla.

" Morning," she said turning to face him. "Did you know Kori was an alien?" She asked.

" Yeah I worked a mission with Starfire when she was on the Team." Jason responded.

" Kori was a superhero?"

" You figured Connor out in a matter of seconds but you didn't know Kori was Starfire? She didn't even try to hide it." Jason teased as he played with Lylas fingers.

" Well anyway Kori's gone back home to rule her people." Dick explained. "She said it was finally time to fulfill her destiny." Dick said, sorrow filled his voice.

Lyla reached across the table and placed her hand on top of Dicks

"I'm so sorry Dick. How are you holding up?"

"What the hell is happening?" Jason thought.

Dick looked up to see the thought written across Jason's face and pulled his hands into his lap.

Before anything else could be done Tim all but ran into the dinning room, followed by a blonde girl and Barbara who was in deep conversation with Damian. The room erupted quickly, conversation filled the air but Jason was doing good just to catch bits and pieces.
The manor was so full of life.
He never could have imagined it this way only a few years ago.

A cup was placed in front of him and it pulled him out of his thoughts.
It was Dicks smiling face that looked back at him, hand still around the mug.

" I know it's a lot," Dick told him. "But we're... I'm glad to have you back."

Jason halfway returned his smile. Lyla leaned close to him and took a deep breath in through her nose. She grabbed the sleeve of is shirt and the question was asked without words, Jason only shrugged, and Lyla was quickly pulled back into the conversation.
This time he tried to listen in on the conversation around him. He was doing okay for minute, just listening and sipping his coffee, that was until a foot wrapped behind his ankle.
It wasn't Lylas, it was to large and the angle.
It was Dicks.

Jason should have been mad.
Should have pulled his foot away.
But all he could think about was the way Dick looked at him last night.
There was something so sincere in his eyes.
So Jason didn't move, didn't say anything.

- Lylas Pov.     –

"Well this has been fun but I've got a date so I'll see you all later." Tim announced standing from the table.

"Ooh who's the lucky lady?" Barbra smiled.

"I..uh..." Tim started to mumble.

"Or gentleman." Lyla added. Tim smiled at her.

" oh.." Barbra paused. "Tim I'm sorry. I didn't know."

"Come on seriously. World greatest family of detectives and no one else picked up on that." Lyla laughed.

"Well I just don't think I've had any reason to pay attention. You know one else here is..." Barbara hesitated.

"Babs I really hate to be the one to break this to you but there hasn't been a single straight Robin yet. I'm not even sure Bruce is straight." Lyla said leaning in over the table. Barbra's face was red and her eyes wide.

"Seriously?" She said looking at Dick then Jason. Dick nodded, Jason just shrugged.

"Have a good time Tim." Lyla said waving at him as he left.

"Okay now this theory about Bruce...." Stephanie said leaning across the table closer to Lyla.
The room erupted with laughter as Stephanie held intense eye contact with Lyla.

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