Chapter 40 an ever growing family

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They found Jason and Dick in the gardens where Alfred and now joined them and Dick was flooding Jason with questions.

" Well I guess that cats all the way out of the bag." Lyla said noticing Jason's helmet sitting next to him on the bench, as him and Dick talked.

" Bruce knows to?" Jason asked.

" Yep SOMEONE made sure of that." Lyla said looking down at Damian who was still standing  a bit to close to her. "I was unaware he was a secret " Damian shrugged.

"But I made it clear we're not coming back to his little BatBand unless something changes." She told Jason. There was conflict burning behind his green eyes.

" But that's not important right now. Everyone this is Damian."

They made introductions, formally this time, each person allowing Damian to ask questions. Between the four of them, the pieced together a broken story of how the BatTeam and their found family had come to be.

" So Todd was adopted by father?" Damian asked.

" Yes." Alfred answered.

" And you and Todd started dating before he died?" He asked Lyla.

" Yeees? What's your point Damian."

" Our father adopted your boyfriend. You are dating your brother."

Jason's eyes went wide and Dick started laughing until Lyla shot him a scolding look.

" No Damian. That's not....."

"  I mean when you put it like that he's right." Dick said through suppressed laughter.

" Shut up Grayson." Jason groaned into his hands.

" When Jason and I met, we had no idea who my parents where and we aren't related by blood anyway. We've never had a sibling type relationship, and besides we're both adults now anyway."

" Oh my god we didn't celebrate either of your eighteenth birthdays." Dock realized.

" Still don't have a birthday Grayson." Lyla reminded.

" And you thought I was dead for mine." Jason added.

" Look Damian just don't tell anyone your brother and sister are dating." Lyla pleaded.

" You don't have to think of me as your brother if that helps." Jason offered.

" Hmm," Damian seemed deep in thought. "When do I get to meet the rest of them?"

" Miss Barbra is in the cave now if you'd like to meet her." Alfred offered. " It's nearly morning so Master Tim and Miss Stephanie shouldn't be to long."

Lyla hadn't released how late it was but it did explain the shear exhaustion. She stepped away from Damian, who was now asking Alfred questions about the other kids, and pulled herself into Jason lap, placing her feet between him and Dick. She laid her head against his chest to listen to him breath. He wrapped his arm around her waist and leaned closer to whisper.

" Big day huh."

"uh huh" was all Lyla gave back.

" You ready to go?"

" I wanna stay here t'night, for Damian." Lyla leaned forward to make herself easier to hear. "As long as that's okay with Alfred?" She asked.

" Both of your rooms are still yours." Alfred smiled at them.

" We just need the one Alfred but thank you. Damian can have my old room if he wants it."  Lyla offered.

" We have plenty of other rooms. There is no reason..." Alfred started to explain.

" I want hers." Damian cut in before he could finish. Lyla chuckled.

" How about we have breakfast tomorrow? We can all get to know each other a little better before everything starts moving again." She asked Damian. He nodded in response and started back towards the house.

Jason placed Lyla on her feet and they started the walk back to the manor hand in hand, when the kitchen door flew open and Tim, still in his Robin gear, came running towards them.

" Lyla!" He shouted. Still running. "Bruce told me everything." He said as he wrapped Lyla in a hug. She went stiff, her arms trapped next to her body, Tim was nearly as tall as her now. She could feel Jason brooding behind her as he took in the boy who had taken his place. After a moment to long Lyla tried to wiggle free, saying,

" Tim I can't breathe."

" Sorry," he said. "It's just so cool. You're Bruce's daughter which means your family is super rich and your like the heir to Wayne Industries and all that."

" I guess Bruce didn't tell you everything." Lyla said motioning for Damian to join her.

" This is Damian, my half brother. Damian this is Tim, the third and current Robin."

But Tim wasn't looking at Damian. His wide eyes had found Jason who was still brooding a few feet behind Lyla.

" Is that?" Tim asked.

" It is." Lyla answered.

" So the shadows did have him." Tim asked.

" They did. That's also how we found Damian."

" How long has he been back?"

" I found him in April but we took some down time for recovery."

" THIS is my replacement?" Jason grumbled.

Lyla felt the tension spike suddenly.

" It's late." She said turning to take Jason's hand in both of hers. She looked up at his face but he was still staring at Tim. She placed her hand and gently on the side of his face and turned him to face her. "Let's go get some sleep. We can finish playing catch up in the morning."

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