Chapter 20 Chasing Shadows 2021

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Month after month began to pass the same. An island every two weeks. Running in circles. Fighting masked ninjas, even one with a weird white cat mask.
But never finding the head.
Nine months had passed since she left Gotham and 27 since she had so brutal lost the fight at the docks. It was March now and Lyla desperately missed the cold air of Gotham.
Two years.
More than two years she'd now given for the boy who changed her life.
He would have turned 18 this year, would have graduated, they'd finally have been adults.

Phantom encountered Talia al Ghul once.
Talia was clever, fast, and much stronger than she appeared, Lyla had been lucky to escape. But it was Talias words that haunted her.
Talia told Phantom she'd make an excellent sister when the time was right.

Lyla wondered what Talia knew about her parentage.
What could she have known?
What could Talia find out that she couldn't?
She'd done everything she could outside of a dna test. She'd looked into the orphanage, tried to find out who left her there, but it had turned out they didn't keep record if they where asked for privacy. She'd never been able to figure out where her necklace came from, no traceable manufacturer, it was unique.

She found herself docked on some random beach, who knows where. She needed to  rest but memories and questions filled her mind when she heard a sound out above her.
She shot up her hands searching for her dagger. When she found it she crept, as quietly as she could manage, the the hatch to the deck of the boat.
The boat was small but it was fast.
It was far from a living space but Lyla had balled up jacket and thrown down a blanket in the bottom in an attempt to reset her mind and body.

Her intruder didn't seem to be a thief, a robed woman simply stood, back to the hatch, waiting.

" Hello girl."

" Talia!"

Lyla realized she didn't have her mask and hoped she wouldn't regret it.

" Tell me. What are you looking for?"

Lyla didn't answer.

" You've killed some of my best warriors. You're after something. What is it?"

" Why are you here?"

" It's him isn't it. You're after the boy."

" What did you do to him?!" Lyla shouted.

" I have done nothing. My father may not be so innocent, but I am rather uninvolved in his game with life. Tell me. How long has it been? How long have you searched?" She asked, turning to face Lyla. Talias dark features where cool and unamused.

" Two years." Lyla answered a sense of defeat in her voice.

" Two long years you've searched. Don't worry dear, you WILL find him."

" Do you know where he is?"

" I do but I'm afraid I can't say. But I can tell you, you'll find him exactly where you would expect him to be."

"Why are you telling me this."
Talia seemed to hesitate.
" Love." She said barely above a whisper. "Love is a powerful thing. Don't forget what it is you fight for."

Lyla blinked and Talia was gone into a cloud of smoke.
Part of her wasn't sure it had ever happened. 'Exactly where you'd expect him to be.' She repeated in her head over and over.
"What the fuck does that mean?"

A  Ghost Girl and a Zombie Boy 		           A Red Hood re-telling. Where stories live. Discover now