Chapter 6- pain,blood,sweat and tears.

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Ghost and soap got through the village till they started to get shot at again, they ran till they found a truck, "Johnny! Get in the truck!" Yelled Ghost, soap ran and got into the truck, there was two soldiers behind them, soap started shooting them with the only bullets he had left, "Johnny wait!" Yelled Ghost, soap stopped shooting and ghost started the truck up and reversed into the soldiers, "that's one way of doing it" said soap, "Ghost!, get back!" Yelled soap as he shot the soldier that's was at Ghosts side window, "let's go" said Ghost as he started to drive forward.

"Ghost where are we going" said soap, "one of Alejandro's safe houses" said Ghost while continuing to drive on. Once they got there, they got out of the truck and walked over to the door. "Hey why wasn't I told about this" said soap, "it was a need to know" said Ghost, "what if I needed to know" said soap, "shhh..." said Ghost, "rude.." said soap, "I'm not being rude, just I'm liked better" said Ghost in a jokingly way, "that's true, I like you better than Gaz" said soap, "so you like me huh" said Ghost, "No! Not like that" lied soap, "okay then" said ghost with a slightly sad tone.

The two men walked into the safe house, but soap went through the doorway, but Ghost climbed up through the window, "you look like Batman" said soap, "no I don't" said Ghost while being cut off by a gunshot, Ghost threw one of his knifes, almost hitting Rodolfo, soap pointed his gun at him, "soap" questioned Rodolfo, "Rodolfo?" Asked soap, Rodolfo walked out of the shadows to see Ghost hovering over soap at the window holding a knife, "Jesus Rodolfo, I could have killed you" said Ghost while putting his knife away, "sorry" said Rodolfo, "why are you up there", "to get a better look at the place" said Ghost as he jumped down from the window.
"How did you survive soap I watched you get hit" said Rodolfo, "I wasn't shot, just hit in the head by a gun", "I found Ghost by him radioing me quite a lot" said soap then he looked at ghost, "you to should get some sleep, but we have no beds I'm sorry" said Rodolfo, "it's okay, we're used to sleeping on the floor" said soap.

Soap went and laid down on the floor after Rodolfo left the room, soap fell asleep and ghost had sat down next to the sleeping soldier, he took his ear-defenders off and put them next to him, Ghost looked at soap and took off his poncho and wrapped it around soap to keep him warm, soap smiled in his sleep, Ghost sat there all night keeping watch while frequently zipping his eyes over to soap who was sleeping.

In the morning Ghost was up at the window looking out, as soap had woken up, he sat up and felt the fabric of Ghosts poncho around his shoulders, chest and back. Ghost hadn't noticed that soap had woken up and didn't realise that soap was watching him.

"Guys time to move" said Rodolfo, Ghost jumped down from the window to see Rodolfo and Alejandro staring at soap who was looking down at Ghosts poncho, "why are you guys staring at Johnny" asked ghost, "look" said Alejandro, Ghost looked over at soap who was looking down at the poncho, "Johnny, let's go" yelled ghost, "right" said soap, "he looked surprised" said Alejandro to Ghost, "he was looking at my poncho I gave him last night when he was sleeping" said ghost, "he must like it then" said Alejandro, "yea, but I don't know why he's so happy about it, maybe it's comfortable" said Ghost, "also when did you get here Alejandro" said Ghost, "I was here the whole time", "I was just in the back" said Alejandro, "alright, then" said Ghost.

-time skip-

It was night and ghost, soap and Rodolfo and Alejandro were on there way to Alejandro's other base.

Once they got there they saw a load of trucks out side with graves talking to one of his men, Ghost, soap and Alejandro , Rodolfo got stopped and got told to get out of their truck.
"What is this" asked Alejandro, "this is the immediate future" said Graves, "step away from the gate" said graves, "what!" Said soap, "you heard me" said graves. "Your crazy, this is my base" yelled Alejandro, "it's not a base", "this is a sizeable convert facility and I admire it" said graves, "so I'm taking it" said graves, "you boys have been relived, thank you for your service" said graves, "No, no no, I don't take orders from you", "didn't one of your men say that", " it makes me wonder what else I don't know about your affiliation with a drug lord" said graves, "what the fuck did you say to me Pendejo.." said Alejandro annoyed, "your out of line graves" said soap "Don't do that, don't.. do that", "no one needs to get hurt here". "Are you threatening us" asked Ghost harshly and angrily, "soldier, I don't make threats." , "I make guarantees" said graves, "so let's not do this" said graves. "I'm calling shepherd" said soap, "general shepherd sends his regards" said graves, "he told me you wouldn't take this well", "He knows about this!" Yelled Ghost. "He's put me in command of this operation from here on out" said graves, "I've got my orders and so do you" said graves, "who do you think you are cabrón" asked Alejandro, "my men are inside!" Yelled Alejandro, "I'm afraid not", "your men have been.." Graves paused for a moment, "detained", "cabrón!" Yelled Alejandro.

Alejandro charged at graves, "what the fuck!" Yelled soap, graves men started to shoot at soap, he grabbed one of Graves men and used him as cover, Ghost hit and stabbed one of the guys next to him and threw one of his knifes to the guy who was behind him, "get your fucking hands off me!"
Yelled Alejandro before getting hit in the head.
Graves shot his gun and hit soap in the shoulder, "argh!" Yelled soap as he fell to the floor, Ghost ran around and hid behind a Truck, "Johnny go!" Yelled Ghost with worry, "soap! Go!" Yelled Ghost again with sadness and anger, soap didn't move and Ghost was getting shot at, he shot some of graves men, he picked soap up and managed to put him on his back, he ran away with soap on his back not know if soap was dead or alive...

(That's the end of chapter 6! Left it on a cliffhanger! Haha!, chapter 7 will be here Tomorrow evening as I have school! Enjoy the suspense)

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