Chapter 15- A surprise return

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Soap was still in Ghosts room, but he was asleep at this time he was still crying, he missed Ghost so much, he still had Ghosts shirt and poncho on, he hugged Ghosts pillow as it smelled like him, this makes soap feel like these are the only things he got left of Ghost,

Price was up in the kitchen wondering on how he could help soap, he was thinking of a plan to go get Ghost back, but he couldn't think of anything, someone walked into the kitchen from the main door at the front.. price pointed his gun at the door where the person was.. "price, put the gun down" said Ghost. "Simon..", "your back" said price while putting his gun away and walking over to him, "you look like shit Simon.. let's get you to the infirmary" said price walking Ghost over to the infirmary, and treating his wounds. "How did you get out", "I think one of the soldiers helped me, had beaten the shit out of me before he left" said ghost flinching to the pain. "Well I'm glad your back", " I have something planned.. soap has not been the same since you have been gone.. how about we surprise him tomorrow" said price, "good plan captain" said Ghost.

(This next part is so cute)

-time skip-

It was the morning everyone was awake apart from soap, he went to sleep late, Ghost and price were at the table in the kitchen drinking some tea. Gaz walked into the kitchen, "what the fuck" exclaimed Gaz "when the fuck did you  get back!" Yelled Gaz at Ghost, "last night, I almost got shot, by him" said Ghost while pointing at price, "soaps gonna be so happy, he's been an asshole since you have been gone" said Gaz, "so I have heard" said Ghost.

Soap woke up to everyone chatting, he got out of Ghosts bed and got dressed leaving ghosts shirt on and his Poncho, soap left Ghosts room and walked to the kitchen.. once he got there he looked up to see Ghost.. Ghost was standing up looking at him, soap dropped the cup he was holding and ran over to Ghost. Soap Jumped into Ghosts arms, giving him a big hug, soap layed his head into Ghosts shoulder,
Ghost was holding soap up by his hips as soaps legs were wrapped around Ghosts waist.
Soap let out sobs and whines, he was crying,
The rest of 141 were staring at them smiling.
"I'm back Johnny" said Ghost quietly in soaps ear, "d-don't leave me again.." soap choked on his words, the two men stayed like this for a long time, soap was still crying but of happy tears this time..

(The ending of this chapter is definitely so cute! I hope you enjoyed the chapter)

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