Chapter 19- Rage.

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It was a couple of weeks after Christmas and soap had to wake up early to go out on patrol, he woke up and rubbed his eyes, he lifted up Ghosts arm carefully trying not to wake him up, soap sat up and placed Ghosts arm down carefully, he got up out of bed and grabbed his clothes and went into the bathroom and got dressed, he left the bathroom, before he Left the bedroom he kissed Ghosts hand, Ghost smiled even though you couldn't see it, soap left the room and went to the briefing room, "price"said soap, "soap, you ready?" Asked price, "yes sir" said soap while him and price walked out side to go on patrol.

Ghost Woke up from his sleep,he looked in front expecting to see soap, "oh.. i forgot he had patrol this morning" said Ghost quietly, He got up and went into the bathroom and brushed his teeth, he looked up and looked at his scared face in the mirror, Ghost whimpered to himself, he ran out of the bathroom in a panic. Once he finally calmed down he got dressed and put his mask back on,  he went into his side table and took out a box of cigarettes and put them in his pocket.

Ghost left his bedroom and walked into the kitchen, no one was there so Ghost went back to his room, he had a random spark of anger, Ghost started smashing things in his room, leaving the room in a mess, he ran out of the room in a panic, he ran out of the base into a forest, where he found a dead end and sat down trying to calm himself down, he took out the cigarette box and took one out, he lit the cigarette and started to smoke it, once he was done he used the end of cigarette and burnt a mark into his arm using the ash and heat,

Soap and price were out on patrol, circling the perimeter, till they heard yelling, the two men ran back to base to fine Alejandro running about looking everywhere for something or someone, "Alejandro!" Yelled soap, "what's wrong?", "Ghosts gone, his room is a mess, something trashed it", said Alejandro, soap ran to his and his partner's room to find the whole room trashed, fist holes in the wall, broken glass and ripped book, soap ran back out of the room helping everyone look for Ghost.

Ghost was alright in the forest, relaxing, after a while of being relaxed he got a flashback from the past, one of the worst ones he had in months, Ghost stood up, and started running, while crying, hyperventilating, Ghost tripped over a rock, Ghost hit his head on the way down and passed out... with blood dripping down his face soaking his mask...

(YAY new chapter, enjoy!)

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