Chapter 11- price found out {smut}

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Soap and Ghost were in the back of price and Gazs truck, soap was passed out for impact of this explosion of the tank, Ghost was looking down at soap with worry, "your always getting hurt, you fucking idiot" yelled Ghost at an unconscious soap with a sad tone of voice, price looked back towards soap and ghost, Gaz was driving, Ghost lifted his head and looked at price, Ghost had teary eyes, he quickly looked away from price and back at soap, price turned back his head to look at the road.

They got back to the plane a flew home, Ghost carried soap back into the base and took soap to his room, ghost placed soap down on his bed and took of his tactical vest, and let soap sleep,
Ghost left the room and walked back to the main area, and went to price, "Simon" said price, "yes sir" said ghost, "where is soap", "in his room, resting" lied Ghost as soap is actually in Ghosts room. "Alright then, we have no missions for a few days so you can relax" said price, "alright captain" said Ghost while walking back to his room, when Ghost entered his room he took off his tactical gear and put it next to soaps, he didn't take his mask of though. He walked over to one side of the bed and climbed in next to soap, after getting comfortable, ghost moved up closer to soap and started hugging him, while proceeding to lean his head against soap's shoulder and back. Ghost fell asleep while cuddling with soap, who was already asleep.

Soap woke up a couple of hours later wondering what was touching him, he turned his head and saw Ghost peacefully sleeping. Soap twisted his head back around and laid there trying not to move, and hopefully not waking Ghost up.

('Big smutt warning" if you don't like reading that stuff please skip the next part. Alright everyone, this next part may be a little unholy but I won't go into full detail as writing stuff like this makes me a little uncomfortable, but just for you guys sake I'll go into little details okay)

Soap was still awake when Ghost woke up, soap turned his head towards ghost, before being pulled into a long kiss, the two men made out for a long time, while soap moaned here and there, Ghost went up close to his ear and whispered, "do you want to bring up the heat on this" asked Ghost, soap nodded and Ghost smiled, Ghost moved himself and held himself above soap (Ghost is top and soap is bottom) Ghost removed his and soaps boxers, before starting Ghost went and kissed soaps neck in his sweat spot which lead to soap moaning quite loudly, ghost looked back up at soap looking at as if he was asking for permission to start.

Soap nodded his head and Ghost pushed himself into soap, Ghost grunted and soap moaned quietly, Ghost moves his hips slowly at first then gradually gaining speed, due to Ghost moving fast, soap let out quite mixed with load groans and moans mixed with Ghosts groans,
Ghost started to kiss soap's stomach where his abs were while still thrusting in and out of soap, they went on for a couple of minutes before they both finished and got tired, Ghost pulled out and put his boxers back on then laid down next to soap, soap had put his boxers back on to, they laid next to each other before Ghost pulled soap into a long passionate kiss, soap had hickeys all over his neck and stomach, after the kiss Ghost got up and put some clothes on, leaving soap on the bed restless and breathing heavily, Ghost walked out of his room and went to grab some food and tea for him and soap, price walked up behind Ghost, "must of had fun.." said price jokingly as he could hear the two men in the act, Ghost put his cups down and stood still all flustered.

(Ah the great pain of writing that last part, I hope I don't regret writing that, I kind of liked reading that part myself, anyway I hope you liked it!)

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