Chapter 10- battle of las almars-

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Everyone was on the plane on the way to las Almars, Ghost walked over to price and suggested something, "price" said Ghost, "yes Simon" said price turning his head, "can I talk to you privately?" Asked Ghost, "yes sir" said price standing up and moving over to a quiet corner, "ok, I have an idea, for the attack I believe that we should be in stealth, so I brought some things" said Ghost, "what is it that you brought?" Asked price, "follow me" said Ghost, Ghost and price walked to a room on the the plane where ghost goes to be alone,
Soap was sleeping on a bed that was in the room, "okay, so I brought some of my masks, skull masks" said ghost pointing at his box, "alright, Simon", "I guess you suggest that we dress like you?" Said price while Turing his head to Ghost after looking at soap, "yes, but I made something special for you and Johnny over there", said Ghost, he walked over to his wall and grabbed to masks identical to ghosts skull mask that he wears over his ski mask, "I made you the black one, and Johnny the red one" said Ghost, "let's do this" said Price.

"Alright everyone gather around" said price, "Johnny is asleep sir" said Ghost, "that's alright let him sleep" said price, "anyway, guys Ghost suggested an idea to me for our mission, he said that we can borrow some of his skull masks for our mission" said price, while Ghost poured out the ski masks on to the table, "we will have to be in all black for this, it will be a surprise attack on Graves!" Exclaimed price, everyone grabbed a mask except ghost as he had one on already, "we are the Ghost team!" Yelled price,

After this meeting ghost went to the back room and looked at soap who was still asleep, "Johnny.." said Ghost softly, "what..." said soap, "we have landed we have to go," said Ghost, "alright I'll be there in a a moment", Ghost left the room and soap got up, he put his red Ghost mask on and grabbed Ghosts poncho and wrapped it around his shoulders, he grabbed his gun and left.

"Alright everyone get in a truck we have work to do" said price, every soldier got into a truck and drove to graves base but waited a mile out while they waited for it to get dark, once it was dark they all drove through the gates of graves base and started a shoot out.

Doing this alarms went blaring, grave men game out shooting all of the Ghost team, everyone thought back, enough to get rid of most of graves men,  graves was hiding out in a tank and was getting ready to open fire on everybody, although  he was not smart enough to think anyone would find him

Soap climbed on top of the tank and threw 3 to 5 grenades into the front of the tank he jumped off before it exploded. Soap did in fact get hit by the explosion a little bit damaging his wound, Ghost ran over to him and helped him up while whispering into his ear, "come on Johnny not again..", the rest of them, price, Gaz, Alejandro and Rodolfo and some other men planted charges and bombs all over the base, before they did this they let all of Alejandro's men away, they all walked out of the front gate, as price detonated the explosives they had a great exit scene like they were in a movie, ghost focused on his injured boyfriend (the rest of the team don't know they are dating) as everyone got into the truck, they drove away with a giant fire in the back ground.

(That's it for chapter 10! Chapter 11 may be coming tomorrow, also may be a spicey chapter, get ready for it! Also sorry chapter 10 is out so late)

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