Chapter 7- dead or alive

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Ghost ran and ran until he found a house, he bashed open the door with his side and found a table and laid soap down on it, "come one soap" yelled Ghost while grabbing bandages out of his vest, Ghost wrapped the bandages around soaps gunshot wound on his shoulder, "come on Johnny", "wake up" said Ghost quietly, Ghost realised that soap wasn't waking up, he called an ambulance to his location

"Johnny, you will be okay" said Ghost while walking into the ambulance with him, soap had to have surgery to get the bullet out that was in his shoulder removed, Ghost waited patiently for soap to get out

-time skip-

The doctor walked out Ghost looked up at him, "is he okay?" Asked Ghost, "he should be fine", "he is lucky the bullet didn't hit a nerve, otherwise he could have lost movement in his arm" said the Doctor, "we are taking him to the ICU now" said the doctor. Ghost followed behind them holding his poncho that soap was wearing.

At the ICU, Ghost sat on the chair next to soap,
"Johnny... I'm so sorry" said ghost talking to a sleeping soap, Ghost stood up and walked over to soaps bed and wrapped the poncho around soap again, he looked down at the sleeping soldier, Ghost took off his earDefenders and dropped them on the floor, Ghost pulled his mask up a little only showing his mouth and kissed soap on the forehead, he pulled his mask back down and sat back down.

"Ghost" radioed price, "yes sir", Ghost radioed back, "has soap woken up yet", "negative sir" said Ghost, "alright Ghost, update me when he wakes up" said price.

-time skip-

Soap started moving and twitching his eyes, Ghost jumped up out of his chair and looked down at soap, "Johnny" yelled Ghost, "I'm back LT," said soap weakly. "Thank god" ghost sighed of relief, "are you okay Simon" asked soap, "Affirmative, Johnny" said ghost while pulling his mask up to his lips again, then his kissed soap again but on the lips this time, Ghost pulled Back and pulled his mask down then sat down again.

"Sorry for that", "I was just worried" said Ghost, "it's okay LT" said soap blushing at Ghost, "wait did you actually like the kiss..." asked ghost, "no.." lied soap  while blushing even more, soap sat up, "you can keep the poncho" said Ghost. Ghost walked over to soaps hospital bed, "let's keep this relationship to ours selves okay, no-one needs to know" said ghost while holding soaps chin, "will do LT" said soap smiling.

(I'm so sorry this chapter is short, I didn't sleep last night, I hadn't got any new ideas yet! I hope you enjoy this chapter! I'm sure chapter 8 will be better.)

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