Chapter 45- facility change.

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Ghost, soap, captain price and König we're sitting around a table in the morning having breakfast, Gaz soon came along after and sat next to König, Gaz started to teach König and captain price wrong British slang, soap was eating and Ghost was staring at him, soap stoped eating for a moment and put a hand on his neck and coughed for a bit, "soap? You okay..?" Asked König, "yea I'm fine.. just choked on something" said soap while breathing heavily, "shouldn't you be used to that by now" said Ghost with a cheeky smirk although you couldn't see it, they can tell he was smirking, soaps face went all red and sat there in his seat all flustered, König sat there in shock, Ghost stood up and went behind soap and rubbed his hand in soap's Mohawk making it a mess before leaving the kitchen leaving soap flustered and frozen.

After a while soap unfroze and got up leaving the kitchen with everyone staring at him from Ghosts comment earlier. Soap returned to his room where Ghost was sitting on the bed reading a book, soap went over to the bed and climbed onto it and hovered over Ghost, "hey, what was that out there?" Asked soap, "just telling the truth" said Ghost with a cheeky smile, Ghost pulled up his mask just on the bridge of his nose, Ghost kissed soap on the lips. Soap fell into the kiss, after a minute they pulled back, soap rolled over so he was lying on his back. "Soap! Ghost! Pack up, we are leaving!" Said price while banging on the door.
"Where are we going?" Asked Ghost while getting off the bed, "a new base, I forgot to tell you" said soap sitting up while Ghost chucked one of his hoodies at soap, "oh, thanks" said soap while putting Ghosts hoodie on.

After they finished packing soap and Ghost went to the loading dock, "you two ready?" Said price, "yea, sorry we took long Ghost tripped over something and cut his arm" said soap, Ghost itched at the bandage on his arm.
"It's alright, please hurry now" said price. The two men ran over to the truck and got in. Price got in and started the truck, radioing the over drivers to start and travel, price followed behind after one of his soldiers who had Alejandro and Rodolfo in the back.

Once they got to the facility price assigned them to rooms, the bases sleeping quarters were quite smaller, so before they could all get their own rooms, some of the soldiers had to share, soap with Ghost had to share a room with a random soldier  and König, gaz and price had to share a room with Alejandro and Rodolfo. Price set roommates for the rest of the soldiers he had which included prices soldiers+ los vaqueros, Alejandro's soldiers.

"Sad we have to share rooms" said soap while staring at Ghost, "it will be alright, for a while" said Ghost. Soap and Ghost walked to their room with König and the random soldiers, "bunk beds.." said soap, "so I guess we can't cuddle" said soap while looking at Ghost, König and the other soldier set up theirs beds.

-time skip-

Everyone's days were over, it was curfew.
Everyone went to their room, König and the other soldier were in their beds, the soldier was asleep and König was reading, Ghost was on top bunk and soap bottom bunk, soap was already in bed awake, Ghost walked in the room and looked at soap, Ghost placed his book on top of his bed then went over to soap, soap was laying down ready to go to bed, he had his eyes closed, Ghost climbed into soaps bed and wrapped his arms around soap and snuggled his head into soaps shoulder, soap had a soft smile on his face, the two men soon fell asleep.

(I hope you enjoyed this chapter!)

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