Chapter 50- "just come home.."

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Ghost picked up his gun  and held it up to his head, he was holding himself back. Price drove as fast as he could, soap was a crying mess. Once they arrived, soap jumped out of the car and ran inside with price following behind, soap ran past everyone in the main hall, price followed behind, "price! What's going on!?" Yelled Gaz, "it's Ghost.." said price with a stern tone mixed with a sad tone, "oh god.." said Gaz. Price soon ran after soap.

Soap made it to the room Ghost was in, the door was locked, soap tried to open it, he banged on the door before kicking it open,
A gunshot went off.

Ghost had the gun to his head, he decided to move the gun to his chest instead, finger on the trigger, soap had kicked in the door, Ghost pulled the trigger, a bullet through his body.
Ghost dropped from the chair bleeding out..
Soap ran to Ghosts body crying, "Simon! No! No! You can't die yet! No!" Yelled soap, price soon came running in. "Soap! He has to go to hospital now!" Yelled price,  soap picked up his bleeding partner, he held pressure on the wound hoping he would still be alive..

Soap and price got into the car, soap was in the back with Ghost,  price drove as fast as he could, Ghost was still breathing, he was alive, his breaths were short and wheezy, he was awake but slowly slipping in and out of consciousness, "Johnny.. I'm sorry.." said Ghost slowly closing and opening his eyes, soap looked down at him, "your going to be okay.. stay with me please.." said soap, "stay awake.."

Price and soap finally arrived at the hospital, the hospital staff ran out and got Ghost to a room after price started yelling for help, Ghost had to go for surgery, soap sat waiting for him, he had price there to look after him, soap cried into prices shoulder, "I'm sure he will live.. you have to believe in him.. I'm here for you son" price said these few phrases every few minutes trying to keep soap calm.

Ghost got out of surgery, the doctor told soap and price that he will be unconscious for a while, and they don't know if Ghost will actually survive..
soap went and sat in Ghosts hospital room, he took hold of Ghosts hand and laid his forehead on the back of Ghosts hand.
soap sobbed into the hospital bed and Ghosts hand

"Just come home..."

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