Chapter 37- reinsurance

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Ghost was sitting on his bed contemplating his life and how he got to this point in time, the thought of suicide came across multiple times, he knew he couldn't, he has to be there for soap and Riley, "Simon...?" Said soap who was standing in the door way, "yea.." said Ghost while not looking up at his Scottish boyfriend, "what's wrong.. it's unusual for you to not look up at me.." said soap worryingly, while sitting down next to Ghost, "I'm alright.. just thoughts" said Ghost while turning his head to the man next to him, "want to tell me about it?" Said soap while putting his hand on Ghosts thigh.

"I've.. Been having... suicidal thoughts..." said Ghost, "hey.. it's okay.." said soap while staring into the almost crying Ghost. Soap hugged Ghost and allowing Ghost to rest his head on his shoulder, "we'll get through it" said soap reinsuring Ghost.

-time skip-

It's been a few weeks since  the two men had been off work for the summer, they spent their days having fun with Riley and going out to places that they have never been to before,  Ghost still wore his mask, soap never judged him for it, he understood,

"Hey Johnny... I'm nervous for tomorrow" said Ghost while fidgeting with his hands, "don't worry, tomorrow is our biggest day of our life's" said soap while climbing into bed next to Ghost, "am I allowed to wear my mask still" said Ghost, "obviously.. your already stepping out of your comfort zone, I don't want to push you more" said soap while laying down, Ghost shuffled down so he can be able to lay on soaps chest, he hugged soap and laid his head on his chest, falling asleep to soaps humming, soap soon fell asleep after Ghost.

(Sorry this chapter is short but i hope you liked it, I also like that fact that i made it so Ghost falls asleep to soap singing, it's cute!)

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