Chapter 53- Hassan is in Chicago

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"Hassan is in Chicago"

"He's what?!" Said soap.
"Hassan is in Chicago with a third missile"
"And a first missile!?" Said soap,
"Calm down" said price,
"We need to go get him now, we need to stop this!" Said soap,
"We will soap, just wait a moment", "we need to make a plan" said price
"Alright" said soap while pulling out a map,
"Okay me and you will go from the top of the building" said price, "Ghost will be on a building opposite covering us with a sniper" said price, "will he be okay by himself?" Asked soap, "I'm sure he will be fine" said price, "Anyway, Gaz and some other soldiers will be coming from the bottom of the building" said price, "is Alejandro and Rodolfo coming?" Said soap, "not this mission, they are on break at the moment and I won't interrupt that" said price,
"Now go tell the others this.. that's an order captain" price ordered the younger captain.

Soap went out of prices office, he walked to the main room and called for everyone to look at him, "alright, we have a big mission a head of us" said soap, "usually price would send this out, but today it's my turn, besides that, we are going to Chicago, I'll be with cpt.price, Lt.Ghost will be watching us from another building across the street, some of you guys will be with Gaz, you will go from the ground to floor 56, me and price will get to floor 56 from the top of the building, Floor 56 is where Hassan is meant to be, he is our target!" Said soap getting a breather, "Do you understand!?" Said soap, "yes sir!" The soldiers said, "Alright, get ready and prepared! We're moving out soon!" Yelled soap. The soldiers hurried out to their quarters and training spots, getting ready for the mission.

Soap let the main room and went to his and Ghosts room, he opened the door to find Ghost reading a book, "hey Simon" soap said in a soft tone, "hey Johnny what's up?" Said Ghost looking up from his book, "were moving soon, we got to get to Chicago" said soap, "Hassan?" Said Ghost, "how did you know?" Said soap, "I can hear you, you know, your loud mouth blaring your speech earlier" said Ghost with a chuckle, "I guess so" said soap, "I already packed, we'll be gone for a while" said Ghost, "already, that was quick!" Exclaimed soap, "yea, so you better start!" Said Ghost while going back to his book.

Soap finished packing him and Ghost started making their way to their mode of transport, "Johnny, I have to go on a different helicopter to you, I'll talk to you on this mission" said Ghost while pulling up his mask a little and kissing soap on the cheek, "I love you" they both said while running off to their separate vehicles.

Task force 141 were on their way to Chicago

(Next chapter will be longer I promise! I hope you enjoy!)

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