Chapter 8- a big reveal-

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Soap had to spend another few days in the hospital, just to recover a bit more, once soap and Ghost got out of the hospital, they found Alejandro and Rodolfo waiting for them.
"Welcome back cabrón" said Alejandro,
"How did you make it out" asked soap, Alejandro pointed at Rodolfo, "this motherfucker snuck in and broke me out", "I asked price on where you guys were, I was shocked you were in the hospital soap" said Alejandro, "yea it was a surprise for me to, Ghost must have saved me, as he has been with me the whole time." Said soap while turning to look at Ghost, "shut it Johnny" said Ghost
"Price told me that we have to make our way back to England- he wants us to come to" said Alejandro, "then we should get going" said Ghost.

They all walked over to the truck and got in, Rodolfo drove off the the airport, "laswell, is our pilot ready" asked Ghost, "should be Ghost" said laswell, "copy that" said Ghost.
They arrived at the Airport, they all jumped out of the truck and got into the plane.

"Rudy" said Alejandro, "yes sir" said Rodolfo, "please relax, this is the only time we have to actually relax" said Alejandro, "alright then sir" said Rodolfo, he went and laid down to go to sleep, Ghost had fallen asleep as he hadn't slept a few day prior.

-time skip-

Everyone who was asleep woke up and got of the plane, Ghost and soap moved what supplies they had left, "Alejandro and Rodolfo, go find price, he will sort you two out" said soap, Soap and Ghost walked to their rooms.

(Smut '??' warning-I'm not sure if you could count it as it anyway - I've never wrote Smut before so it will only be calm for the moment)

Ghost pulled soap into his room and pinned him against the wall, "I'm so glad your alive Johnny" said Ghost while staring into soaps eyes, "I love you" said Ghost.

Ghost pulled up his mask a little and started to kiss soap, they did this for a couple of minutes before ghost pulled away to get air,  then Ghost moved down to soaps neck, Ghost started to kiss soaps neck, he moved around his neck till he found soaps sweet spot, soap let out a groan, Ghost grinned, he continued to kiss soaps neck in his sweet spot, soap let out groans and moans, ghost stopped kissing soaps neck, Ghost left two big hickeys on soaps neck which were very visible.

"I haven't showed this to anyone yet", "only price" said Ghost, Ghost took of his mask fully revealing his beautiful scared face to soap whom was still pinned to the wall, soaps eyes widened before bursting out in a rage of blush.

( chapter 8 completed! I hope you like this chapter- OMG two chapters in one day!- chapter 9 should be longer see you tomorrow)

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