Chapter 39- the aftermath (𝓼𝓶𝓾𝓽)

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(Warning this chapter contains sexual acts- please skip if you don't like reading stuff like that)

Sub- soap
Dom- Ghost

At the after party everyone was getting hammered, apart from Ghost he don't like getting drunk in public, but this means he is responsible for everyone, it was 2 am everyone was getting tired, not soap or Ghost tho, Ghost gathered everyone up and got them into the car, he drove everyone home, well at least everyone at some body's home, price and Gaz went to prices, Alejandro and Rodolfo went to Alejandro's, Ghost started to drive him and soap home, price decided that he would look after Riley for them, so Riley was at prices house.

Once the two men got back to Ghosts apartment, they both got dressed into comfortable clothing, ghost grabbed some glasses and poured him and soap a drink, they prefer drinking at home than in public.
The two mean laughed and joked around, after a while they were both drunk, chilling on the sofa, Ghost pulled his mask up just so it was over the bridge of his nose, Ghost grabbed soaps chin and started kissing him, this caught soap by surprise, but he soon melted into the kiss.

Ghost and soap made out on the sofa, Soap took off his shirt and Ghosts, revealing their muscular torsos, soap touched Ghosts muscular body while kissing him, Ghost moved down from soaps lips to soaps neck.

Ghost kissed and bit soaps neck leaving hickeys and bite marks, soap moaned and whined from this, Ghost hovered over soap while switching his lips from soaps neck to his lips back to soaps neck again. Soap moved his leg up and down rubbing Ghosts area with his leg, teasing Ghost, the male grunted to his partner's movements,
"Hey... your being naughty... do I have to punish you" said Ghost, "no.." said soap while looking away although he wanted it,
Ghost moved one of his hands to soaps bulge in his trousers and rubbed it, teasing soap, soap moaned quite loudly, "your sensitive today.." said Ghost, while smirking, Ghost took his and soaps trousers off + boxers, Ghost grabbed something out of a draw a bottle, he squeezed the liquid out and lubed himself and soap, Ghost decided to edge soap, teasing him.

Ghost gave soap a handJob and stopping at certain times, when soap was close to c*mming
"Simon..~" soap moaned and whimpered, "please.. give it to me.." begged soap, Ghost had a sinister smirk on his face, he decided it was time, he slowly pushed himself into soap, soap griped the sofa and Ghosts wrist leaving nail marks into Ghosts wrist, soap moaned loudly, Ghost grunted to the pleasure.

Ghost thrusted in and out of soap, happily listening to soaps whines and moans, Ghost went up to soaps ear and whispered into to his ear, telling him praises and dirty talks, soap had c*mmed once already, Ghost continued to thurst, getting close, Ghost teased soap again, soap almost c*mmed again but Ghost stopped teasing him so soap would not let go, "Simon.. I'm close, can I please.." soap begged to c*m, Ghost thrusted in and out of soap, "now" commanded Ghost. The two men reached their climax and finished up.

Ghost cleaned up soap afterwards, making sure he was okay and they both showered together, Ghost got soap dressed afterwards and laid him down in bed before getting dressed himself, Ghost got dressed and got in bed.
Ghost hugged soap like he was protecting him, soap was still awake, humming him and Ghost to sleep. The two men fell asleep, in and happy mood.

(I hope you liked this chapter!)

Army lovers-Ghost x soap - COD mw2 love storyWhere stories live. Discover now