SPECIAL ADDITION: alejandro's and Rodolfo's Pov in chapter 17 (fluff/smut?)

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(This was requested by someone, it may have some sexual acts! If you don't like reading stuff that includes:sex, kissing: please skip, if you don't skip and you don't like it! It's your fault don't come at me)

It was 11pm and everyone was getting ready for bed, Alejandro and Rodolfo were in their room, all quiet, Rodolfo was reading and Alejandro was watching tv, Rodolfo, put his book back and got up out of bed and went to the bathroom, Alejandro got up out of his chair and waited to the side of the bathroom door, Rodolfo walked out after brushing his teeth, almost ready for bed, Alejandro grabbed him and pinned him up against the wall and started kissing him harshly, Alejandro pulled back after a minute to get air, before pulling him back into the kiss, they moved from the wall to the bed, they fell onto the bed creating a loud bang, "that better not have woke anyone up..." said Rodolfo whimpering, "I'm sure it hasn't" said Alejandro, the two men continued making out, Alejandro was above Rodolfo getting him undressed, the tv remote fell of the bed and made another loud bang, someone swung open the two men's door, it was Ghost, he screamed to what he saw, "ghost! Get the fuck out!" Shouted Alejandro, while pulling his trousers back up, ghost slowly closed the door and walked away.

After Ghost had barged in, he ruined the mood between Alejandro and Rodolfo, the two men got dressed in their pyjamas  and got in bed and went to sleep.

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