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Crowley rolled over, "Good morning angel-" Aziraphale wasn't in the bed next to him.

"Aziraphale?" A week had passed and things seemed back to normal,  except that they were still very much in love of course. 

Crowley listened for the telltale sign of the angel cooking in the kitchen but was met with silence. 


If Aziraphale wasn't already cooking he would either be in bed, still asleep or already awake to bid him good morning. 

Crowley got dressed quickly and went to the kitchen but it was empty.

"Aziraphale?" Crowley called but there was no answer. Crowley figured he was probably downstairs in the shop, reading, so the demon made his way downstairs and as he approached the bathroom….

The hair on Crowley’s neck stood on end when he heard the sound of someone gagging and hacking. He knew that sound anywhere thanks to all the hangovers he had throughout the years.

It the sound of someone vomiting violently.

And it sounded like Aziraphale.

Crowley dashed to the bathroom door and jiggled the doorknob but it was locked. 

"Angel?! Are you in there?" 

Crowley tensed at the sound of more vomiting.

"Aziraphale! Answer me please!" There was a moment of silence, and finally a weak voice replied, "Crowley…"

 Crowley snapped his fingers and the door swung open, revealing the sight of Aziraphale on his knees, hunched over the toilet bowl.

"What the bloody hell?" 

Aziraphale looked up,  his face pale. "It's alright Crowley….I think it's over…." Aziraphale broke off as he vomited in the toilet again. 

Good Omens: Our New Beginning (Bad Omens Prequel Novella)Where stories live. Discover now