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Fortunately, the contractions seemed to ease up a bit so Aziraphale was able to relax….sort of… Crowley had helped him change into one of his silky white nightgowns and then helped him into their bed.

 Aziraphale lay his head back against his pillow, concentrating on the sounds of Crowley scrambling throughout the cottage. They hadn't expected the baby to come so soon, they had predicted that the baby would come sometime in the middle of autumn, but that obviously wasn't the case. 

Aziraphale grimaced when he felt the baby squirm in his womb. Clutching his stomach he rasped, "Don't be afraid, Little One. Your father will return in a moment…..we just need to stay calm…..and everything will be tickety boo….." 

Aziraphale flinched at the sound of glass breaking, followed by the sound of cursing. 

"Crowley?" Aziraphale called out the very second the bedroom door swung open. 

"I'm here Angel!" Crowley rushed to the bedside with a glass in his hand. "I brought ice chips and the bathtub is ready with warm water when you need it. Just let me know." Crowley smiled encouragingly as he grabbed Aziraphale's hand and gave it a squeeze. 

"When will Tracy arrive?" Aziraphale rasped as Crowley mopped his forehead with a cold compress. It instantly calmed the angel, just like Newt said it would….

"Hopefully soon, I told her and Shadwell that I left the door unlocked and to just let themselves in. Tracy will know what to do when she gets here."

Aziraphale nodded weakly, showing that he understood. 

"You're doing great Aziraphale." Crowley murmured, giving his husband a kiss. 

"We're finally going to be able to hold our baby…." Aziraphale rasped with a tired smile. "Our Eden…..Our new beginning…."

"Yes, Angel, isn't it wonderful? We're going to be fathers after waiting for so long." 

"Yes….it's-AGH!" Right when Aziraphale cried out as another contraction took hold, Madame Tracy entered the bedroom. 

"Looks like I'm right on time."

Good Omens: Our New Beginning (Bad Omens Prequel Novella)Where stories live. Discover now