"I've got you Angel." Crowley murmured as he cradled Aziraphale in his arms. Aziraphale had been pushing and all he could do was soothe his pain with a miracle but the demon's miracles didn't seem to make much difference.It seemed like an eternity until, at long last, Tracy said, "Okay you two, now we're at the final and hardest part. We just need to deliver the head and your little girl will finally be able to join us."
Crowley felt his chest swell with pride when Aziraphale gave a nod of determination.
"Push on the next contraction Aziraphale."
Aziraphale squeezed Crowley's hand so tightly when the next contraction hit, the demon felt at least two fingers break under his angel's grip as he pushed. Aziraphale whimpered when he felt a sudden burning sensation. It was absolutely agonizing and he was so tired.....
"I can't do it.....Crowley....."
"Yes you can Angel." Crowley rasped. "I know you can! You're so strong, the strongest being I've ever known! Don't give up now!"
Aziraphale let out a roar as he gave everything he had in what would hopefully be the final push…….
"WAAAAAAAHHH!" Aziraphale collapsed against Crowley’s chest as a new cry pierced the air. It was the most beautiful sound the angel had ever heard.
"There we are now, a beautiful baby girl!"

Good Omens: Our New Beginning (Bad Omens Prequel Novella)
Storie d'amoreCrowley and Aziraphale have been happily married for six years now and they couldn't be happier, but shortly after their six year anniversary........Aziraphale suddenly comes down with something.....angels don't get sick! And before all of this, he...