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Aziraphale was dusting off the bookshelves until his back started to ache. “Ugh…” 

“Angel….” Crowley was at his side in an instant with a gentle hand on his back. Aziraphale sighed with relief as the pain faded instantly. “Oh that’s much better, thank you love.” Crowley’s legs nearly buckled when his husband kissed his cheek. 

“Why don’t you sit down for a bit, Angel? I’ll make you and the baby some tea and biscuits.” Crowley took in every detail of his angel. Aziraphale’s waistcoat and beige pants had been replaced with a cream colored extra large t-shirt and a pair of matching sweatpants, also extra large, his maternity clothing, and in Crowley's opinion, it suited the angel perfectly. 

“OH!” Aziraphale gasped which made Crowley jump. “Aziraphale? You alright?”

Aziraphale placed a hand on his belly. “Eden’s a little feisty today.” Seeing that Crowley was still concerned, he added, “I’m sure she’s getting hungry, perhaps some biscuits would do the trick."

Crowley, as usual, helped Aziraphale to sit on the couch as if he would shatter like a piece of glass if he wasn’t careful. “Oh really Crowley I’m quite alright.”

“I’ve never seen the baby kick so hard before….are you sure you're alright?” Crowley placed a hand on his husband’s swollen stomach as Aziraphale replied, “Everything is completely fine, love. You can feel that for yourself.”

Aziraphale was right. Their daughter was as strong as ever. A little fidgety today but that was normal…..except she was a bit more squirmy than usual…...

“You take it easy in there okay?” Crowley said softly. “You gotta be gentle for your Papa. He’s been working really hard, making sure that you’re big and strong.”

“Your father is helping me too, Little One.” Aziraphale added lovingly as he gave Crowley a kiss.

Aziraphale was hit by a sudden wave of exhaustion moments after Crowley left for the kitchenette. Perhaps a short nap would remedy that.

Aziraphale shut his eyes, only to open them again when a sharp pain shot through his stomach. The pain came so quickly that at first, Aziraphale didn’t know how to react. But right when he decided to call out for Crowley, the pain faded. 

“Oh my, that was…..unpleasant….” Aziraphale rasped as he clutched his stomach. “I think nap time is over Little One.” Aziraphale shakily rose to his feet and realized that his trousers felt damp. Why were they damp? Crowley hadn’t returned with the tea and it wasn’t like Crowley to spill drinks…..

Aziraphale’s thoughts were interrupted by another sharp pain and this time he couldn’t stop himself from crying out. It hurt so much that he fell back onto the couch, gasping for air.

“Crowley…..” Aziraphale called out feebly. 

“Oh fuck…..Crowley…..!” 

Good Omens: Our New Beginning (Bad Omens Prequel Novella)Where stories live. Discover now