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The bookshop doors flew open and out stepped Crowley carrying Aziraphale in his arms. The Bentley was ready and waiting for them, it's doors were open and waiting as well.

Crowley gently placed Aziraphale in the passenger seat. "Everything's going to be okay, Angel, I promise." He gave Aziraphale a kiss on his sweating forehead. Crowley then shut the door and hopped in the driver's seat.

It took every ounce of Aziraphale's concentration to not panic. He grit his teeth as yet another pain tore through him. The sound of Crowley talking with Tracy on speaker phone sounded far away as Aziraphale tried yet again to regain his composure. He had nearly lost it moments ago when a sudden and agonizing pressure bore down onto his spine, making his legs buckle underneath him. It happened when the angel tried to walk to the doors of the bookshop. Aziraphale had read that walking would help with the......in all honesty he couldn't recall at the moment due to the pain but he thought he should at least try......

But fortunately Crowley had caught him in the nick of time of course but it had taken a couple of moments to calm the angel down and Crowley managed to ease his husband's pain with a miracle.

But he still had to stay calm for Crowley and Eden's sakes, no matter how much it hurt.

"Angel? You still with me?" Aziraphale still had his hand in an ironclad grip while the other hand was gripping the passenger door handle. After a moment Aziraphale muttered a shaky, "Y-Yes dear."

Crowley gave Aziraphale a kiss on his sweaty forehead. "Good. Tracy is on her way to South Downs, she'll be there as soon as she can, until then we'll get you home and comfortable and go from there, okay?" 

Crowley felt his heart break at the pain filled gaze of his husband. Tears streamed from the angel's eyes. "Okay Crowley."

As Crowley put the Bentley in gear, Aziraphale rasped, "Crowley, please go as fast as you can. I'm begging you…." Aziraphale squeezed Crowley's hand tightly as his body went rigid with another contraction.

Crowley didn't need to be asked twice. He slammed on the gas pedal and the Bentley took off like a bat out of Hell.

Good Omens: Our New Beginning (Bad Omens Prequel Novella)Where stories live. Discover now