Chapter 7

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*Paris, France*


Pour Marianne.

I needed something - anything.

I stared at the poster on my bed and noticed some words in the corner in a little black font.

Les Gens.

"Adelaide?" The door was open as Florence appeared in the doorway. "Do you want to go get some lunch?" Her eyes fell on the poster in my hands. "What's that?"

She came over and saw it. "I was...intrigued..."

Florence shook her head, taking the poster off me. "Florence!" I cried, following her out of the room.

It was thrown in the fireplace and I gasped. "What did you do that for?"

" entire life has been about protecting you..." Florence explained facing me.

"What has this got to do with protecting me?" I cried. "I was reading it!"

"Trust me when I say this...that poster will do nothing but bring trouble!" Florence explained.


Florence sighed and sat down, gesturing to the seat next to her but I refused to cooperate, but Florence did not flinch. "That poster is revolutionary and while France is proud of their revolution and freedom, they want to move on. Bringing up old matters and still believing that there is more to do is not what the French want. They want peace - and the poster will rile people up. If you were found with that poster, you'd be arrested for disrupting the peace."

I pouted before finally coming to sit next to her. "Can you at least tell me what it said?" She gave in as Florence smiled, nodding.

"Pour Marianne means For Marianne..." Florence explained as I nodded.

"Who's Marianne?"

"The French personification of liberty..." Florence explained as I frowned. "Like Britannia?" Florence took my hand. "I'm sorry I had to do that..."

"It's alright..." I replied. "I know you are only protecting me..." My mind wandered. "The revolution was about giving power to the people and if someone is putting these posters up, that means they still believe power is not with the people..." As realisation came to mind, I remembered what Ambrose had said about the targeting of the Bourgeoisie in Paris.

Florence raised her hand, silencing me before I could say anymore. "Don't get involved. Your brothers will kill me and then you!"

I groaned before reluctantly nodding. "Fine...I won't get involved."

We hugged, as Florence gestured for me to get ready for lunch.

"Where did Theodore go?" I asked as we left the hotel, arm in arm.

"He was meeting someone, did not say who..." Florence replied as we headed to Delacroix.

The main restaurant was closed but they had food establishments present so Florence and I went looking around, before settling on some Italian food.

"I would eat so much of this when I was Finishing School!" Florence explained as she talked me through the menu before we settled on a pizza for me and seafood linguine for Florence, who ordered some wine too.

Ada & The French (The Woodhouse Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now