Chapter 26

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Cutlery clacked against plates as we all ate breakfast in the grand dining room. 

Louis and Juliette sat next to Phillipe at the head of the table, Colin opposite me as I enjoyed a breakfast of eggs, roasted mushrooms and toast, a cup of tea being poured in for me by a maid as Philippe sat at the head of the table, buttering a slice of brown bread. 

"So, what have you children got planned for today?"

"First off, we're not children..." Juliette scowled, eating some fruit. "And...I'm going to Delacroix."

"And we're going to the Louvre..." Louis said, buttering another piece of toast. "So..Adelaide can go wherever she wants to go..."

"You can join me at Delacroix if you like. I can find you something to do..."

"You're not sending her to work, Juliette. She's on holiday," Louis said, looking at his cousin and I had to intervene before a screaming match took place. 

"'s fine. I want to keep busy..." I assured him as Philippe nodded. 

"Then it is settled!" 

I sipped tea, looking at Louis who smiled at me. "Wouldn't want to leave you both alone after last night..." Philippe's words made us all freeze as I choked on my tea. 

"What happened last night?" Juliette questioned, as Louis shook his head, standing up quickly and hitting Colin with his napkin. 

"Nothing. We need to go..." He shut the conversation down as Colin threw back his coffee and stood up, leaving the dining room, Louis followed with a smile at me and a curt nod.

Juliette turned to me, her lips pursed and brows raised. "I think you have some explaining to do."

I laughed awkwardly, looking at Philippe and realised that I was not getting out of this. 

An interrogation was about to take place. 


While the book department of Delacroix would've been the dream, I knew I would end up just reading all of the books instead of helping. 

But seeing as I knew nothing about the latest fashion trends, I was given the job of greeter. 

Thankfully, most people who came spoke English or at least understood my accent. 

A young girl, with the most beautiful golden curls and ribbons in little pigtails in her hair, arrived with her mother - a woman of status and wealth. As the woman went shopping, the young girl escaped her nanny, enchanted by the shimmering stones of the jewellery racks. 

I crouched down to her as we looked at the different stones, as she named each colour. I put necklaces against her, and a little tiara on her head as she smiled at her reflection. 

"A princess..." I explained and she nodded. 

"A princess!" She giggled with delight and I removed the jewellery pieces before she could run off as a taxidermied peacock had caught her eye, sitting on a wooden ledge. She was taken by it, as well as some doves and a canary in cages, hanging from the ceiling. 

Her mother soon called for her and she gave me a big hug, before running towards her mother, who smiled at her and left. 

"You're really good with children!" Juliette said as I came to her. "Ever considered being a governess? Or a teacher?"

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